And if there's a fire, the house will turn on the fire extinguishers automatically and call the fire department.
When the list is in fire emergency return mode , fireman turn on the fireman-running switch the lift just response to order from the car.
Since the fire department posted photos of the firefighters at work on their website, their post has been shared hundreds of times with social media users praising the men for their good turn.
The disclosure of fire-sale prices could force them to slash carrying values on their own books. This in turn would spur more selling, driving prices further down in a vicious cycle.
A customer service rep has recommended the latter, while resetting the Fire as well, but this is a pretty standard remedy (turn it off and on again).
The burst ejects from the skin on the wearer's turn, making a ranged touch attack as described in the energy retort power, but the energy type chosen is always fire.
A small bowl of water poured into the pot injection, large amounts of sugar, is a large, fire to boil, turn a small fire boil boiled syrup, yellow, thick like honey on it.
Stretch a few hundred meters on the runway has become a fire trace the aircraft landing light guide, a large number of aircraft landed safely in turn.
Nonimmediate -- Light a fire, build up the steam, turn on a switch, and a linear system awakens.
Ah, the holidays: Chestnuts roasting on an open fire, Jack Frost nipping at your nose … and a new HDTV so gorgeous it'll make your obnoxious relatives turn green-eyed with envy.
啊,快过节了: 在火上烤栗子…你的鼻子被弗罗斯特兄(拟人化:霜)光顾…一台高清晰度电视真太完美了。它将让你的讨厌亲戚们一个个嫉妒死。
On the trees surrounding me , the leaves are just beginning their slow turn toward the color of fire, glowing as the sun peeks over the horizon.
I am crazy about ceramic craft. By shaping common clay into delicate pottery on the turning plate and drying it by the fire, I feel as if I turn the momentary into the eternal .
I am crazy about ceramic craft. By shaping common clay into delicate pottery on the turning plate and drying it by the fire, I feel as if I turn the momentary into the eternal .