Just turn on the news and you can hear about hurricanes, earthquakes, and more happenings in our world every day.
Turn on the news and watch the disasters unfurl. It will help you put your own problems into perspective and realize it's a large world, filled with both triumph and disaster.
The good news, doctors say, is that by taking steps to reduce risk factors and the damage they inflict on arteries, it is possible to turn back the clock on vascular age.
Throttling down at the next turn, he pauses to check his mobile phone: it is the latest news on pork prices.
Mimicking a Web news aggregation and blogs application, the sample application allows you to post comments on today’s news to the server, which in turn displays the comments back to the other viewers.
此示例应用程序模拟了一种Web新闻聚合和blog 应用程序,它允许向服务器发表对当日新闻的评论,服务器反过来又会向其他查阅者显示这些评论。
In possibly related news, Nathan reveals that Booth and Brennan's relationship will take a radical turn following the show's flashback-themed 100th episode on April 8.
When you turn on Fox News or read the Nation, you're making a decision about what kind of filter to use to make sense of the world.
Saturn, the ruler of your workaday sector (sixth house) has been retrograde since December 31, 2008, so the fact that Saturn will turn direct on May 16 is news.
If we want to listen in to the music, news and broadcast, we just need to turn on the switch.
We can often hear the news say this or that food, which is reliable to people turn out to be bad for human beings' health on the Internet, TV or newspaper.
If it's the morning talk shows or news that gets you going, then turn the TV on.
Almost everyday, I turn on TV at 6:50 p. m. and wait for the news program. This has almost become apart of my life.
These days it's hard to pick up a newspaper or turn on a news program without encountering stern warnings about the federal budget deficit.
This in turn makes local conditions kinder on the fungus, and spells bad news for the frogs.
Return home, defrost the frozen vegetables in the microwave oven and turn on the television to watch the evening news.
When you open the newspaper, turn on the radio or the TV set recently, news on the financial crisis rush to you.
"Now it's your turn," Allan went on, "If your doctor tell you the bad news, what would you most like to do?"
Turn the existent problem of the news program to carry on analysis currently to the civilian.
The public tend to turn their favour by reading news on the Internet rather than flipping through the print newspaper like it used to be.
The public tend to turn their favour by reading news on the Internet rather than flipping through the print newspaper like it used to be.