"To submit" here means to turn something in to someone - to give something to someone, usually for them to look at and review.
If they're not sure about something they hear, it can turn into a more formal lesson once back in the classroom.
He feels the floor of the post office move beneath him, and he tries to turn his eyes from her, to ground his gaze in something solid: postbox, ceiling tile, window.
In the beginning, never turn down an invitation from someone, even if it's something you wouldn't normally do.
However, his turn as a wheelchair-bound manipulator in Unbreakable is something genuinely different, and all the more creepy for it.
In a way, the annual budget might turn into something of a New Year's resolution - a list of firm intentions, rather than just lifeless figures.
However, when something bad happens and you cannot reproduce the problem in a development environment, your might need to turn on debug messages in production.
As I turn out of my hotel's full parking lot, veering onto the Strip, I come across something rarely seen in Vegas: frozen construction projects.
The find adds to the case that chunks of matter got pushed outside the known universe shortly after the big bang-which in turn hints that our universe is part of something larger: a multiverse.
Should we be trying to turn autistic children into 'normal' kids, or should we be doing something -different, which is teaching the -survival skills to swim in our culture?
Unless they can turn in their bonds and exchange them for something else, they're only paper assets.
This in turn may result in something called Marine dysoxia, a phenomenon which kills off oxygen-using animals.
Since then, I've explored all kinds of ways to turn this dish-tasty even in its most humble incarnations-into something you can really be proud of.
Walking is something that we do everyday and by increasing the pace that you normally walk, you'll also increase your heart rate, which in turn burns calories and increases heart health.
事实上,走路是我们每天在做的事,而当你在给自己创造走路的条件时,你也是给自己创造出锻炼心脏,增加血液循环的条件。 也就是说,路走的越多就能燃烧更多的卡路里,就能让你的心脏更健康。
I can't begin to tell you the number of times in my life when I've been expecting something really good from God - and what happens is that things just take a turn for the worse.
A city speaks to you mostly by accident-in things you see through Windows, in conversations you overhear. It's not something you have to seek out, but something you can't turn off.
In the current case, if I really was writing a turn-key banking system, I certainly wouldn't bother to define "effective interest" because that's something that I'd expect my domain expert to know.
The company, which left bankruptcy protection last July, hopes to turn an annual profit in 2010, something it hasn't achieved since 2004. See article.
We turn the feeling of mutual love and respect into something that feels like, looks like and IS more like ownership rather than mutual orbiting in love and understanding.
I think the best way to relieve your mind of a worrying thought is to turn your attention to something you are really interested in.
A hopeful, optimistic outlook is probably something you would advise to someone else in your situation, so why not turn the tables and try it yourself.
I could have just walked past him in silence, but something made me turn and say quickly, before I could stop myself, 'Thank you, Mr Rochester, for your great kindness.
We take you in, turn you into something new, ever better that you were before. But there is always something you can't let go of.
Just turn it off then! Read these newspapers and magazines, and there must be something that you are interested in.
First, in flush times companies tend to hire lots of engineers and the life of a product manager can turn into a constant rush to create the next PRD so that engineering has something to build.
So we are working on how you turn cells floating about in liquid into something as precisely arranged as a kidney.
So we are working on how you turn cells floating about in liquid into something as precisely arranged as a kidney.