The janitor comes around to turn the lights out.
The janitor comes round to turn the lights out.
A short time spent on these pages before you turn the lights out each night is better than an irregular hour now and then.
We make him turn the lights out, but his position is that he shouldn't have to go to sleep until we turn our own lights out, because he's exactly the same as us.
Turn the light off as you go out.; Please switch off the lights when you leave.
Yes. I don't know how to turn out the lights a bit, but I'm sure there is a way.
At least I don't make them turn out the lights one last time as they leave. That's my job.
Easter Rabbit, Easter Rabbit, turn out the lights.
I know but, surely he wouldn't have singled you out in his will just to help us turn out the lights!
I changed my shoes, and stretched out my right hand to the wall to turn on the lights so that the hall would be properly lighted.
Autumn night, do not watch TV, do not look at the computer, turn out the lights, lie still and feel what is missing.
By the world wide fund for nature (WWF) launched the "earth hour" activities, more than 2800 cities 10 million people synchronous do the same thing, which turn out the lights for one hour.
After taps was blown the young campers had to turn out their lights and go to bed.
After taps is blown, the young campers have to turn out their lights and go to sleep.
Water power also is not very convenient, more get out of bed to turn off the lights when you go to sleep at night, take a shower also need water bucket.
We ought to turn out the lights the moment we leave a room, turn off the tap in time, and reuse our textbook and so on.
I keep several books by my bedside and I usually read a chapter before I turn out the lights.
Step2. Turn on all the lights. Replace any burned out light bulbs.
Even popular search engine Google put its support behind Earth Hour, with a completely black Web page and the words: "We've turned the lights out. Now it's your turn."
But they own the theater. They can, at any time, bring the curtain down, turn off the lights, close the door and let the dogs out. Later the dogs all disappear and the sky seemed blue again;
But they own the theater. They can, at any time, bring the curtain down, turn off the lights, close the door and let the dogs out. Later the dogs all disappear and the sky seemed blue again;