Instead of talking on the phone while you fold laundry or clean the kitchen, sit down in a comfortable chair and turn your entire attention over to the conversation.
If my friend and I cannot agree, we sit down to consult calmly together until we fell united. I agree to let my friend take the fist turn.
"He drilled in the table below, the head of the table does not stop and turn, and to all the relatives said:" I am a person give us, we sit down to eat leisurely.
Class starts, girls and boys. Sit down, please. Open your books and turn to page 20.
If you take good care of him he will thank you for it: you can teach him lots of funny tricks: he can shake a paw, learn to sit, stay and lie down, turn around in a circle and beg.
Ladies and gentlemen, please sit down, the conference will start soon. In order to ensure conference quality, please turn off your mobile phone, or tune it into vibration mode.
When you get to your public-speaking class and sit down, this girl will turn to you and say, "Hey, why are you so dressed up?""
当你在公开演讲课坐下的时候,有一个姑娘转过身问你:“嘿,你干嘛穿的这么正式?” ”
When you get to your public-speaking class and sit down, this girl will turn to you and say, "Hey, why are you so dressed up?""
当你在公开演讲课坐下的时候,有一个姑娘转过身问你:“嘿,你干嘛穿的这么正式?” ”