They covered lunch boxes with striking red paint and added a picture of TV and radio cowboy Hopalong Cassidy on the front.
By the mid 20th century, radio and TV had become so popular that people no longer had to depend on newspapers for news.
I appear on radio and TV, give lectures, and last year we broadcasted a live feed with cameras showing our fieldwork online, around the clock.
He hosts tastings and gives talks around the world, appears regularly on radio and TV as a spokesman for the craft brewing industry.
That's when the controversial celebrity medical advertisement on radio and TV will be banned. Other advertisements to be banned include name analysis and chat dating.
Richards issued his mea culpa on David Letterman's TV show as well as on the Rev. Jesse Jackson's radio program.
A more efficient approach for live TV is to “multi-cast” a signal to all handsets using a separate radio network overlaid on the existing mobile network.
The Symbian phone, which includes a built-in FM radio, GPS, compass and up to 16GB of internal memory, can be connected to a TV set for watching recordings on a big HD screen.
On the anniversary of 9/11, I try not to listen to the radio or watch TV—I just don’t want to see it.
If you can get on a live radio show, you can actually shape the news because you won't be edited as you would be on TV or in the newspaper.
ESPN's TV, radio and Internet commentators who usually would rank soccer about 15th on the list of sports to discuss have been talking up the American team, with a clear push from above.
The debate over the Colombian rock star, who is based in Miami, has now been raging for a month or more on the city's Spanish-language radio and TV shows.
With TV and radio calling on the population to seek medical advice for any flu-like symptoms, queues grew at clinics and hospitals across the city.
Recalling the revolution TV brought to a business world hooked on radio as a case study, mobile has the potential to reshape the entire travel marketplace.
He is now a best-selling author, appears on TV shows, has a satellite radio show, and is considered one of the leading experts on social media.
A majority of people who listened to the debate on the radio considered Nixon the winner. A poll of TV viewers of that same debate found a clear majority believed Kennedy had won [source: C-SPAN].
We also add to the constant assault of sounds through listening to the radio or TV, playing music, and so on.
Time spent on reading meant fewer hours watching TV and listening to the radio - India came fourth last in both.
Good. Because our product is the object of women's, we will make a supplement in magazines and radio on the basis of emphasizing TV.
Sometimes, spoken language on the radio or TV is just background noise, the linguistic equivalent of Muzak. So if you really want to remember what you have just heard.
Free time Hobbies. Sports. What do you do on weekends and in the evenings? What do you like reading? TV, radio, cinema?
“Blue sky” from the second album was selected the theme music on a TV talk show, and his music was introduced to the general public on various TV/radio programs and magazines.
The song was made record of the week on Radio 1 and has since been given the ultimate accolade any ghostly, piano-led torch song can get: soundtracking an American TV show about vampires.
You probably also watch a lot of TV, where you get entertainment and news. You might watch a lot of DVDs, and listen to the radio on the way to work.
You probably also watch a lot of TV, where you get entertainment and news. You might watch a lot of DVDs, and listen to the radio on the way to work.