Plus, it includes a built-in TV tuner and GPS.
It looks more like a small TV set than a computer and, in fact, comes with a built-in TV tuner.
It would have received more for the tech specs if there were a TV tuner and a discrete graphic card.
If you'd prefer to watch television, you can add the optional TV tuner (Audiovox PODTVT2) for live TV.
You'll be able to watch your favorite TV shows wherever you roam thanks to the internal digital TV tuner.
Annotated die image of the XC3028 single-chip analog and digital TV tuner showing the fully integrated RF-to-baseband functional blocks.
注明模具的形象,该xc 3028的单芯片模拟和数字电视调谐器显示完全集成的射频到基带功能块。
It includes graphics APIs for drawing on the screen, a tuner API for finding and showing TV channels, and many other APIs.
The Z1 is the first TV and tuner box capable of transmitting an uncompressed Blu-ray signal from across the room, courtesy of the SiBEAM 60-gigahertz WirelessHD chip inside.
Z 1是第一台无线电视,调频器盒能穿越房间传输一种无压缩的蓝光信号,它内部装有SiBEAM 60千兆赫的WirelessHD芯片。
The tuner is no longer available. Would you like to join the TV session or start radio and stop their TV session?
In all in a series VALUESTAR N it will be released three new models, which are characterized by the model of processor, by the capacity of hard disk and by the presence of digital TV- tuner.
在所有在一系列的Valuestarn ,它将会被释放了三款新机型,其特点是由模型的处理器,由容量硬盘和在场的数字电视调谐器。
The tuner is now in use to record a TV show. Would you like to watch that TV show or start radio and stop the recording?
E. T. built his own communicator out of the fuzz buster, some hobby pins, a knife and fork, and the UHF tuner from the TV set... E. t.
E. T. built his own communicator out of the fuzz buster, some hobby pins, a knife and fork, and the UHF tuner from the TV set... E. t.