If you ask a group of parents when this happened, most will say "around twelve months of age".
That includes twelve months of living expenses estimated at twenty thousand dollars.
We should be able to get our hands on all of them in the next twelve months.
In the past twelve months they've had three major concerts and made a hit CD.
Dobrunka gathered a large bouquet, thanked the Twelve Months, and joyfully ran home.
Discover her top three needs and over the next twelve months go all out to meet them.
The mice, all aged between nine and twelve months of age, were fed on one of two diets.
Jim: You pay the advance, and then the balance is paid off over a period of twelve months.
The value of the raw material for extraction can be lost after six to twelve months’ storage.
But between ten and twelve months, they could identify the different sounds of both languages.
You can learn a language in twelve months using only those moments you didn't realise you had.
In the twelve months before I took office, American auto companies lost hundreds of thousands of jobs.
I am also encouraged by the strong customer feedback and support we have received over the past twelve months.
He determined the year by designating the zones; he set up three constellations for each of the twelve months.
Twelve months ago, the panic sown by the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers had pushed financial markets close to collapse.
Usually a period of twelve months for which a company regularly creates financial statements and checks inventories.
Industry analysts predict that enterprise portals combined with Web services will take off within the next twelve months.
Any notification given under paragraph (2) shall take effect twelve months after its receipt by the Director General.
However it is a recent phenomenon, the majority of respondens just started using the tool in the past twelve months (52%);
If you do nothing about your vocabulary, you will learn, at most, twenty-five to fifty new words in the next twelve months.
It's harder and harder to find and keep a job, but if you've got one you may well be making more than you did twelve months ago.
When the IPv4 address space runs out, countries will exhaust their national supply, which might take another six to twelve months.
Twelve months after the procedure, the transplant subjects were able to double their improvement on a treadmill compared to the placebo group.
After a year has elapsed, the guest bedroom will contain a bunch of clothes I have not worn for twelve months. I’ll take these things to Goodwill.
Property prices in Singapore surged 14% percent in the twelve months through September, and the high-end market has shot up even more dramatically.
Twelve months ago in Paris, in the wake of the collapse of Lehman Brothers, the mood was dread-the knowledge that something terrible was about to happen.
It's been our most requested feature for twelve months, but we hope you'll cut software engineer Eric Bogs a break since he's only been here for a few!
它是12个月来我们一直想要得到的功能,但我们希望您能让软件工程师Eric Bogs休息一下,因为他很少来这里!
It's been our most requested feature for twelve months, but we hope you'll cut software engineer Eric Bogs a break since he's only been here for a few!
它是12个月来我们一直想要得到的功能,但我们希望您能让软件工程师Eric Bogs休息一下,因为他很少来这里!