It can be obtained by applying directly twist operation under a table and need not input artificial variable. After this, we may find optimal solution under the table as the same as simplex method.
This has been dubbed "sterilised" QE or "Operation twist", after a 1960s programme in which the Treasury and the Fed tried to "twist" the yield curve by altering the pattern of Treasury-bond issuance.
Whatever the ambiguous effects of the Fed's moves of five decades ago, the financial impacts of this Operation Twist have been negative.
Previous studies, he reckons, didn't properly isolate the influence of Operation Twist from countervailing factors.
The twist in the tale is as follows: a second controller process exists in the system that can send a suspend operation signal to your device over a dedicated channel.
This came to be known as Operation Twist after the early 1960s dance craze sparked by Chubby Checker, a singer whose views on QE are not known.
That was the aim of the original Operation Twist in the early 1960s, which may have lowered long-term interest rates marginally but that's about it.
The Fed announced Wednesday that it would shuffle $400 billion of its own bond holdings in hopes of reducing interest rates on long-term loans, a plan known as Operation Twist.
美联储本周三宣布,其将延长4000亿美元国债持有期限,以期降低长期银行贷款的利率,这即所谓的 美元扭曲操作 。
The vast majority of this selling occurred following the Fed's announcement of its new "Operation Twist" plan Wednesday afternoon.
上周三下午,美联储(Fed)宣布推行新的“长短期利率行动”(Operation Twist)计划,紧接着各新兴市场便出现了抛售浪潮。
The universities demonstrate different values in the operation, especially commercialization of erlsion and its impact on education is a shocking twist.
Twist in the end the operation of clean water, how easy to use them, you know at a glance!
For the first six months after Oliver Twist was removed, the system was in full operation.
The antistatic finish is come by twist with the antistatic fiber or operation from the antistatic agent.
The most likely outcome of the meeting is Operation Twist - whereby the Fed extends the duration of assets it already holds on its balance sheet.
The most likely outcome of the meeting is Operation Twist - whereby the Fed extends the duration of assets it already holds on its balance sheet.