It is twitchy, and produces no sustained turns.
He was still twitchy and we awaited Ann's return anxiously.
Above all, Hamas is twitchy about relaxing its military grip over Gaza.
Relatives of some victims are boycotting the court, and donors look twitchy.
But that behavior turns people into twitchy, record-keeping, blame-tallying masses of ectoplasm.
If nations get twitchy about their oil supplies, how might they react if food, or water, are threatened?
A stronger Europe policy in Washington might make easterners less twitchy about America's dealings with Russia.
Such easy access has made some companies twitchy about the level of freedom employees have to surf the internet.
May be the defensive find of a generation or even two for that matter. Rio Ferdinand is bound to be feeling twitchy.
Lying often leaves us nervous and twitchy, and complicated fictions can lead to depression and poor immune function.
American money managers have taken up the slack, but they too are becoming twitchy about their exposure, according to a market participant.
Consumers are already twitchy in America, where bank failures are rising and the nation's deposit-insurance fund faces a potential shortfall.
With some $100 billion of adjustable-rate subprime mortgages due to reset to higher rates by October, investors are likely to remain twitchy.
The sunlight over Washington has not yet dispelled the dank fog of suspicion over the Caucasus. Georgia is still twitchy about Russian intentions.
Rushkoff is rake-thin, and has a twitchy, nervous vigour, busily taking notes, checking his phone, constantly moving backwards and forwards in his seat.
洛西克夫骨瘦如柴,语气中透着烦躁和不安,他频频记着笔记,查看手机,一直在座位上前后移动。 其实,不难看出他是个精力旺盛的人。
Watch just one show, and I swear you'll be scanning your dates, coworkers and neighbors for flashes of twitchy eyebrows, erratic blinks and one-shouldered shrugs.
But even if you are twitchy with crowds, you will find the square an unavoidable tangle of metro interchange, intriguing museums, dazzling hotels, top vistas and cultural venues.
Of course, given that the game industry's core demographic still consists of twitchy young men, it's hardly shocking that it wouldn't be striving to create a digital Finnegan's Wake.
Of course, given that the game industry's core demographic still consists of twitchy young men, it's hardly shocking that it wouldn't be striving to create a digital Finnegan's Wake.