Two-dimensional flow was dealt with using the method of functions of complex variables.
A vertical two-dimensional flow model is developed to model the current around pipeline. A scour model is developed to model the change of bed level.
The flow field and the temperature field of thermal discharge in Chizhou Power Plant is simulated by adopting the mathematical model for two-dimensional flow field and temperature field.
In this paper, a two-dimensional flow equation and a thermodiffusion equation are used to simulate the diffusion feature of the cooling water drained into Puyang River by Xiaoshan Power Plant.
A new analysis method is developed for the floating-debris' accumulation form in the reservoir based on a two-dimensional flow model according to the kinematic characteristics of the floating-debris.
The other is about the calculation and experiment of the two-dimensional unsteady turbulent flow in an exhaust manifold.
Objective: to explore the value of two dimensional color Doppler flow imaging (2d CDFI) in detecting total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage (TAPVD).
目的:探讨二维彩色多普勒超声(2D -CDFI)诊断完全性肺静脉畸形引流(TAPVD)的价值。
An optical flow based approach was presented to estimate coronary arterys two-dimensional motion from a sequence of single-plane angiographic images.
One-dimensional homogeneous model based on the gas-liquid two-phase flow theory was established.
Numerical simulation of two dimensional examples shows the possibility of using this method to reconstruct flow patterns.
An inviscid-viscous interaction method based on the inviscid time marching computer code has been employed to calculate the transonic flow field of two dimensional cascade.
A two dimensional mathematic model is built up to simulate the blast flow status inside shaft lime kiln.
This model also can be used for the internal flow calculation of any two-dimensional diffuser and for improving its design.
The one dimensional two phase flow model of solid propellant electrothermal chemical gun (SPETCG) is established in the paper.
A finite difference method is developed for computing the two-dimensional transient potential flow generated by an impulse on the free surface.
The stream function-vorticity method has been used to simulate two-dimensional transient state of incompressible viscous flow.
This paper describes the numerical method determining two-dimensional and axisymmetric flow for head-on vehicle shock-planar incident shock interaction.
The distribution of two-dimensional granular flow in an inclined channel with different shape of boundary walls was investigated.
The mutiple-solution phenomenon of steady transonic flow about two-dimensional plane cascade using the Time-Marching method for the Euler equations is examined.
Mathematical model and computer programme flow diagram for two-dimensional transient heat transfer in tunnel kilns are presented.
Two dimensional numerical simulation is presented for flow and heat transfer in rectangular microchannel with uniform wall temperature in slip regime.
The main research content and result are as follows: 1 The two-dimensional governing equations for steady-state flow and transient flow are derived based on unsaturated soil mechanics.
There is a difference between the numerical simulation results of two-dimensional and three-dimensional flow field in supersonic inlet, which shows the influence of boundary layer on the side wall.
We will consider first the case of two-dimensional incompressible steady flow through orthotropic soil.
In this paper, the deformation of two-dimensional red blood cell in linear shear flow is simulated using the immersed boundary method to observe the tank-treading motion.
This paper presents a numerical calculation with finite difference method for two-dimensional turbulent jets mixing flow field.
An experimental Study of a two dimensional inlet model in non-uniform supersonic flow are presented.
By using the impulsion flow analogy, the three dimensional, steady, separated flow problem is reduced to the two dimensional, unsteady, separated flow problem for solution.
A turbulent combustion of hydrocarbon fuel-rich gas with air two-dimensional supersonic shear flow was numerically simulated.
A turbulent combustion of hydrocarbon fuel-rich gas with air two-dimensional supersonic shear flow was numerically simulated.