Beriev chose a scheme of the single-cantilever monoplane with two-step boat, which had a large cross-deadrise.
Roll-in in DB2 using ATTACH is a two-step operation.
在采用ATTACH的DB 2中,滚入是个两步操作。
Producing the UI version of the widget is a two-step process.
XFS handles allocation by breaking it into a two-step process.
Importing WSDL files discovered through UDDI is a two-step process.
Deploying product add-ons to the agents is a two-step process, as shown in Figure 4.
First her eyes latch onto mine, then her head swings around in a mechanical two-step.
The data show that a two-step process causes the substantial rise of killer electrons.
But that two-step approach presents a new problem: if there is no treaty now, then when?
However, this makes every simple transformation a two-step process, which annoys authors.
You need to define such mappings before using the CGI scripts. This is a two-step process
To enable their computer system to learn from blogs, the team followed a two-step process.
On some nights there are dance lessons. People can learn the two-step, a kind of Western dance.
Both XML standard encryption and WS-Encryption follow a two-step approach for encrypting data.
XML标准加密和WS - Encryption都遵循两步加密数据的方法。
JJTree is a preprocessor, and generating a parser for a particular BNF is an easy two-step process.
I see one major advantage in this two-step approach, namely that XSLT is a standard with many choices.
Musicians arrive, dancing breaks out, and at the end of the evening Baron Eric and I are doing a two-step.
The default connection type for this client is SOAP on port 8879. Changing this port is also a two-step process.
We love this feature on the Nexus one, but if your phone has a two-step camera button, it could be easily triggered.
我们很喜欢在Nexus One上使用这一功能,但如果你的手机有两级的照相键,那么很可能会被误唤醒。
Working with JSON on the server side is essentially a two-step process, no matter what language you're using on the server.
For its first aircraft Beriev chose a scheme of the single-cantilever monoplane with two-step boat, which had a large cross-deadrise.
For very large parsed documents, such a two-step approach might be inefficient, but I find it easier to understand code written this way.
This is a two-step process: First, request the child elements in a given namespace by passing the namespace URI to the children() function.
这需要两个步骤:首先通过向 children() 函数传递名称空间URI请求给定名称空间中的孩子元素。
Try: DuWop Circle Block, a two-step antioxidant treatment plus concealer with shea butter and glycerin, 3.2 g/6.4 g, $31; at Shoppers Drug Mart.
尝试一下:DuWop CircleBlock,含有乳木果油和甘油的抗氧化眼霜和遮瑕膏,分别为3.2g和6.4g,31美元,沃尔玛药品专柜有售。
Mail team found that when using XMLHttpRequest, POST is implemented in the browsers as a two-step process: sending the headers first, then sending data.
A two-step plan published Sunday Outlines a number of tasks and risks that remain, but doesn't provide an estimate for when thousands of evacuees can return home.
Mr. Obama expressed support on Sunday for a proposal from Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen of Denmark to pursue a two-step process at the Copenhagen conference.
Mr. Obama expressed support on Sunday for a proposal from Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen of Denmark to pursue a two-step process at the Copenhagen conference.