For testing purposes, try to create an even, easily repeatable timing pattern, such as two-tenths of a second between each key release.
Now, that's not a huge number but, obviously, when you're hoping to beat the market by a point or two losing by 0.3% per year because of your market timing inability is a bad thing.
But the timing of the announcement highlights the importance of maintaining at least a show of unity on the climate issue, despite heightened tensions between the two nations.
Since the distribution of primes over non-primes is much smaller, you should see a significant difference between the timing of these two elements.
Figure 4 illustrates how a single project with two practitioners would look during any one change cycle (timing to be established by local policy).
And if I want to make a measurement to two percent accuracy I have to know this timing to about one-tenth of a millisecond because one-tenth of a millisecond 2% is about two percent of five.
"You'd be a lot more concerned about seeing a married friend who is two-timing than a cohabiting friend who is cheating on his girlfriend," Wilcox said.
No, he doesn't. Anyway, his wife found out that he has been two-timing for a long time.
There are two regulatory systems which interact. One timing system comes from the evidence of our senses and stomachs, and the periodicity we experience when living in a particular time zone.
Then, two methods employing a threshold or trapezoid approximation are proposed to improve the timing performance of the SC (Schmidl and Cox) algorithm.
There will be two four-cylinder engine choices on offer: one is a 1.5-liter unit with variable valve timing and either a four-speed automatic or a five-speed manual transmission.
There will be two four-cylinder engine choices on offer: one is a 1.5-liter unit with variable valve timing and either a four-speed automatic or a five-speed manual transmission.