However it's a two edged sword - you can benefit from your partner, in the sense that they can help support your weaknesses.
Since technology is a double-edged sword, the development it brings and its potential threats are two sides of the same coin.
A big share of loans to companies in some countries is in foreign currencies, too, though devaluation is a two-edged sword for corporate borrowers.
The Word of God is a piercing, two-edged sword that lays open the true condition of the heart!
Technology is like a two-edged sword - it has generated boons as well as banes to our lives.
This is a sort of two-way changing like a double-edged sword.
Taijijian (literally "Taiji sword") is a straight two-edged sword used in the training of the Chinese martial art Taijiquan.
For vendors, standardization is a two - edged sword.
To use this two- edged sword properly, the media enterprise has to act cautiously in choosing the topic, arrangement of agenda, and in the choice of proper angles of reporting and tendentiousness.
Ultra Wide Bandwidth (UWB) technology is a two-edged sword, some advantages, such as non-carrier, small scale, low cost and low power consumption, are attracted to experts.
My own blood must be mixed with it, that it may be as sharp as a two-edged sword.
However, technology is a double-edged sword, that is, everything has two sides. Therefore, we can not expect too much of the present technological means to protect animals.
We are also awaked to know at every moment, science and technology is a "two-edged sword".
"Labor Contract law" is a double-edged sword, to protect both workers and businesses have constraints, the two sides should be within the framework of the law, the maximum risk prevention.
Patent system is a two-edged sword, which is probably to be abused in any technical field and the medical area is no exception.
Outsourcing is like a two-edged sword, Not only bring profits to the firm, but also bring about various aspects of risk.
The industry merger is "a two-edged sword" which has both outside economical effect and outside non-economical effect on the technology innovation.
Internet is a two-edged sword. The lure of Internet, which has strong penetrability and attraction for adolescents, is the main reason that causes adolescent Internet moral issues.
It is just like a two-edged sword. It helps evade and transfer financial risks, but at the same time it generates a new risk.
Network is a two-edged sword, to manage it well, it serves the community and the people, it must always be to strengthen the oversight as a starting point.
Network is a two-edged sword, to manage it well, it serves the community and the people, it must always be to strengthen the oversight as a starting point.