Two police officers had a narrow escape when rioters attacked their vehicles.
Two police officers have the class take turns on duty, a 24-hour inspections.
He was at the gym when his roommate called to say two police officers were at their home.
"I'm scared," she says, glancing at two police officers standing nearby. "You never know if they'll recognise me."
Into this deadly hellhole come two police officers desperate to pin the murder of an old woman on one of two suspects.
Then they turn gracefully and walk past the two police officers on guard-the officers try not to stare-into the hotel ballroom.
When he woke up, two police officers fined him because he had fallen asleep on two seats (you mustn't use two seats in the subway).
Two police officers were seriously injured and two young men lost parts of their hands in explosions when protesters torched cars, she said.
Two police officers riding bikes to raise money for the families of officers killed on duty were themselves killed in a wreck near the Indiana-Illinois State line today.
Two men claiming to be police officers went to the pastor's house and took him away.
Twenty-thousand riot police will be backed by other officers and security personnel in and around a triple-tiered two-kilometer security ring.
The 1940 massacre of around 20,000 Polish officers and other prominent citizens in western Russia by Soviet secret police has long soured relations between the two countries.
The 1940 massacre of around 20, 000 Polish officers and other prominent citizens in western Russia by Soviet secret police has long soured relations between the two countries.
Two hundred and sixty police officers and firefighters who went into the building after the planes crashed are missing and feared dead.
Police officers later escorted the two away.
The IPCC also announced that two Metropolitan police officers are under investigation over whether the assault was investigated properly.
And that would probably still be the case if it weren't for the professional instincts of two University of California police officers.
The two wounded police officers and the civilian - who was shot as he wrestled with Molenaar during Thursday's melee - remained in critical condition in a hospital.
By the time police officers caught up and subdued him, he had slashed two more people to death.
Both towers collapsed within two hours, destroying nearby buildings and killing 2, 753, including 343 firefighters and 60 police officers.
At this time, two women police officers at the entrance to the car, one of whom shouted, you go for another train, this car off to let the workers go first.
When the car was stopped by traffic police on January 13, 2013, the officers discovered two nine-year-old children curled up in the trunk.
But just as he was about to hurl his briefcase into the window to break it, two of the police officers grabbed him from behind.
But just as he was about to hurl his briefcase into the window to break it, two of the police officers grabbed him from behind.