It opens at choose a TXT text file, right-click test, need to pay attention to is modified the registry to talent into effect after the restart.
Add another start tag, as shown in the bold text in Listing 5 (or copy it from C:\DPTKArticles\Part1\CodeSnippet1.txt from the download file).
添加另一个start标记,如清单5中的粗体文本所示(或从下载文件的C:\DPTKArticles\Part1\CodeSnippet1.txt 中进行复制)。
Add the tags in bold text in Listing 8 (or copy it from c: \ DPTKArticles \ Part1 \ CodeSnippet3.txt).
添加清单8的粗体文本中的标记(或从c: \ DPTKArticles \Part1 \CodeSnippet3 . txt中进行复制)。
You can often find a character of interest by loading UnicodeData-3.2.0.txt in a text editor and searching for a key word in the character name.
使用文本编辑器打开 UnicodeData-3.2.0.txt 之后,我们通常都可以通过搜索字符名中的关键字在其中找到感兴趣的字符。
The variable txt is an object that represents the text input control with the ID txt_test from the Flex application.
变量txt是用Flex应用程序中的ID txt_test表示文本输入控件的对象。
It will examine all of the modules, and all of the .txt or .rst files, in a package and select the ones that specify a :Test-Layer: somewhere in their text.
它检查所有模块以及包中的所有.txt或.rst文件,选择文本中指定了 :Test-Layer: 的文件。
A: You can upload the PDF document to Zamzar and convert it any formats like doc, html, png, txt or rtf (rich text format).
Click the save button to text field (TextArea) the contents of the saved to a text file mytext. TXT in.
单击保存按钮将文本域(TextArea)中的内容保存到一个文本文件mytext . txt中。
Click the save button to text field (TextArea) the contents of the saved to a text file mytext. TXT in.
单击保存按钮将文本域(TextArea)中的内容保存到一个文本文件mytext . txt中。