He was in his office, battering the keyboard of his computer as if it were an old manual typewriter.
It's a fine sunny day in the forest, and a rabbit is sitting outside his burrow, tippy-tapping on his typewriter.
A word processor is much better than a typewriter in that it enables you to enter and text your text more easily.
I'm used to working in quite a hi-tech sort of industry that's got lots of machinery and everything, but now I'm going to a place that has no machinery as such, apart from a typewriter.
She was a free-lance typewriter and canvassed for odd jobs of copying.
The advantages of the typewriter outweighed the disadvantages of the keyboard.
I didn't know much about computers. I still worked on a manual Olivetti typewriter.
I went back to page one, girded up my typewriter and my critical faculty and started over.
Every time that a monkey walks on a typewriter, it types by chance one of Shakespeare's sonnets.
I sat in my dad’s study and plunked out my first “novel” on a manual typewriter when I was eight.
But we all knew something was happening when we heard the unmistakable striking of typewriter keys.
That certainly would include writing materials, computer or typewriter, reference books or materials.
The first practical typewriter was patented in the United States in 1868 by Christopher Latham Sholes.
This model of typewriter is efficient and durable, economical and practical for middle school students.
I was still alive, and I still had a daughter whom I adored; and I had an old typewriter and a big idea.
He took all afternoon on each one of them, on account of having to hunt for each letter on the typewriter.
Thus he sat down at his typewriter, probably surrounded by several cases of liquor, and The Wizard was born.
于是,他坐在打字机前,也许旁边还围了好几箱酒瓶子, 《游戏奇才》就这样诞生了。
Can you imagine the difference in productivity between those who use a typewriter and those who use a computer?
There's a reason why we're not still writing in shorthand, he says: "The typewriter was easier and less tiring."
In the movie, the word is never spoken, but the camera zooms in as the protagonist pounds it out on a typewriter.
I understand that. I find the business of getting up in the morning and going to the typewriter absolutely awful.
A: Well, to begin with, we're going to have to get a new desk for you and I'd like to replace that old typewriter.
By the age of ten, I had saved up enough money to buy either a bicycle (like a normal kid), or my own typewriter.
The principal didn't seem to be around, but some old lady around a hundred years old was sitting at a typewriter.
Presumably the ancient Hebrews had no word for "typewriter" because they didn't have a typewriter—you have to add words.
These obsolete technologies didn't get the memo - maybe because someone wrote it on a typewriter and faxed it to them.
He bought the typewriter, after he had collected on the bad arm, because the doctor recommended it as a good exercise.
He still works every day, moving in his doorless workshop from sculpting to drawing to writing on his Olivetti typewriter.
He still works every day, moving in his doorless workshop from sculpting to drawing to writing on his Olivetti typewriter.