When we first met him in 1997, Tyson Chandler had just finished the 8th grade.
I talked to Tyson Chandler about it when we were on Team USA together in Istanbul.
Love doesn't mind that he is tied with center Tyson Chandler for having played the least minutes on the team.
West is second on the team to paul with 19. 4 points per game and second to tyson chandler with 9. 4 rebounds.
韦斯特是队中第二号得分手,每场拿下19 。4分;他还是第二号篮板手,场均9 。 4个篮板,仅次于钱德勒。
They also have one of the league's better defensive big men in Tyson Chandler who both blocks shots and rebounds well.
Maybe Riley should call up Jordan, the Charlotte owner, who handed Dallas an essential interior defender in Tyson Chandler this season.
Tyson Chandler, Left ankle: Well, a toe kept him out of Oklahoma City, but his gimpy ankle might keep New Orleans out of the second round.
Tyson Chandler, an above mediocre center, pretty much controlled the boards and low post last night that would NOT happen had Yao been there, as in the game in New Orleans 2 weeks ago.
Tyson Chandler, an above mediocre center, pretty much controlled the boards and low post last night that would NOT happen had Yao been there, as in the game in New Orleans 2 weeks ago.