The cornerstone of NeXT development environment was Interface Builder, a model driven, MVC based, graphical UI designer.
Interface Builder这个模型驱动、基于MVC的图形用户界面设计器则堪称NeXT开发环境的基石。
Whereas before a UI designer was primarily limited to page-level interaction, now he can design complete interactivity at the element level.
Finally, the UI designer on your team would probably rather edit something more like the abstract template described above than edit this Python code.
The DHTMLX Touch UI Designer is a visual editor for building mobile user interfaces, and it'll help you construct top-notch UIs with minimal coding.
DHTMLX TouchUI Designer是一个可视化的编辑器用于构建移动用户界面。它能够帮您以最少的编码构建一流的用户界面。
If you want to become a professional UI designer your skillset must go beyond the traditional graphic tools. You should learn how to turn your design into functional web elements.
There is no overarching scheme of gaps to fill out – software architect, project manager, programmer, DBA, business analyst, UI designer, etc. – so the series is not preplanned in that sense.
Lead designer manages the success of Creative design in cross-functional teams that include UI designers, Product Managers, Business Unit representatives along with web development teams.
A Lead designer manages the success of Creative design in cross-functional teams that include UI designers, Product Managers, Business Unit representatives along with web development teams.
The advantage of typed DataSets is that Framework plumbing allows controls to bind within the designer to help developers visualize the UI at design time.
类型化数据集的优点是:. NET框架允许控件在设计器中进行绑定以帮助开发者看到设计好的用户界面。
A designer provides the design-mode UI and behavior of a component.
GWT Designer provides a way of building GUIs inside Eclipse for creating GWT-based applications using drag-and-drop to assemble user interfaces, as well as bi-directional generation of UI and code.
The integration developer will want to use the human task editor, Page Designer, portal, or other tools to create complete human tasks with the proper look and feel to complete the application UI.
The easier it is to slap a UI on an application, the easier it is for a technically challenged Visual Designer to create a beautiful UI in Blend.
That's all we will do in Designer for now. Save your UI and close Designer.
The template designer mainly applies for the UI design and interaction with users, it achieves dynamic data binding, and saves the information of the template.
UI virtualization is used to render only the areas of the designer canvas that are currently in view, making the designer more responsive and less memory consuming.
Adobe is seeking a creative, self-motivated and enthusiastic Senior User Interface Designer to join its UI Design Team.
Adobe is seeking a creative, self-motivated and enthusiastic Senior User Interface Designer to join its UI Design Team.