Regional lymph nodes become swollen and eventually ulcerate.
In advanced stages the opaque corneas may ulcerate and even perforate.
Varices in the esophagus, which often occur in liver disease, can ulcerate and bleed.
The sites where the bacilli multiplied become inflamed and may ulcerate, leading to intestinal bleeding or peritonitis.
The sites where the Bacilli multiplied become inflamed and may ulcerate, leading to intestinal Bleeding or peritonitis.
Treatment involves strong support hose injection therapy or surgery. varices in the esophagus which often occur in liver disease can ulcerate and bleed.
Today, more than 500 000 are afflicted by yaws, which is caused by a spiral bacteria that penetrates through a cut in the skin resulting in bumps that burst, ulcerate and spread over the body.
今天,有50多万人受到雅司病感染。 雅司病是由螺杆菌引起,病菌通过患者皮肤上的伤口侵入,导致肿块,溃破后形成溃疡,遍布患者身体。
Today, more than 500 000 are afflicted by yaws, which is caused by a spiral bacteria that penetrates through a cut in the skin resulting in bumps that burst, ulcerate and spread over the body.
今天,有50多万人受到雅司病感染。 雅司病是由螺杆菌引起,病菌通过患者皮肤上的伤口侵入,导致肿块,溃破后形成溃疡,遍布患者身体。