The ultimate state of the bridge normal use can be practiced or tested by loading test.
And still more important, how to get beyond creating and uncreating, which is the ultimate state.
The contents of ultimate state design, second-order effect and seismic design in ACI318-99 are introduced.
These formulas conform to the interactive mechanism of the plate and elastic subgrade in the ultimate state.
The first of these limitations was the obsession of the Greek mind by the idea of the city as the ultimate state.
Based on the primal definition of ultimate state and finite element method, more accurate results of ultimate load were obtained.
Taking the idea of ultimate state design, this thesis studies the ultimate strength performance of this new structure on "Sachsen".
The accomplishment of a crime, an ultimate state which makes known the completion of a crime, is based on the establishment of a crime.
Probability ultimate state design methods for railway bridge shallow foundations designed on the basis of reliability theories are analyzed and studied.
On the basis of research achievement, a new design method on durability of concrete structure, which is used to check the durability ultimate state, is suggested in the article.
Evolution of rock joints into transfixion is described by the time series from strain-stress curves, and the state of joint system in sandstone is chaotic before its ultimate state.
The test results show that the continuous composite slab with lower level of prestressing can meet the requirement of ultimate state under normal serviceability and has better ductility.
Every statistical parameter and standard value can be used or consulted in using design method of probability ultimate state to analyse coal gange light aggregate concrete basic products.
It wants to live a life of a certain magnitude, but with a view to achieving the ultimate desired end, which is to return to an inorganic state on its own terms.
His act was like that of a child crying out for attention - in this case, attention from the ultimate daddy state, the US.
This much is true: the existence of a state of war tends to divorce gold from its credit structure and make the physical metal the only ultimate reality.
The ultimate question is whether a state-owned GM can consistently make cars that Americans want to buy, something a privately owned GM has not been doing sufficiently for many years.
When the ratio not more than 0.2, CFRP tensile strain can reach or exceed the permissible strain at ultimate capacity state, and therefore CFRP can work efficiently.
The dead by Joyce describes the life state that is depressing, paralyzing, tiring, idle and living dead of the middle - and lower-class citizens in Dublin and the ultimate ending.
The final intention and meaning of this ultimate explanation originate from human's expectation for what the living state should be.
After calculating some examples the author analyzes the RC structure's serviceability limit state and ultimate limit state, and finds the main influence factors.
Analyzing the stability of the side slope through classical ultimate balance method, the working state is fictitious without considering the stress-strain relation of the soil mass.
Through the analysis of the load-deflection curves of prestressed concrete roof trusses, it is shown that these trusses deflect a considerable amount in the state of ultimate strength.
It is researched that the ultimate flexural capacity of external prestressed composite steel-concrete beams in ultimate limit state of carrying capacity, and the relevant formula are derived.
The design of a geotechnical work should satisfy both the ultimate limit state and serviceability limit state requirements.
Presently, most limit-state design codes use reliability principles for designing for ultimate limit states.
Based on ANSYS which is finite element software, the stress state of oil pipeline, which is simulated and analyzed the ultimate span.
Based on ANSYS which is finite element software, the stress state of oil pipeline, which is simulated and analyzed the ultimate span.