Strength of ship plates plays a significant role for the ultimate strength analysis of ship structures.
The fatigue and ultimate strength analysis of hull structure with two different butt-welding lines distribution was researched in this paper.
By ultimate strength analysis at various conditions, the collapse of platform is caused by breakage of pile leg. And the brace breakage can also decrease the strength of the platform.
A ship's hull is a box girder structure composed of stiffened panels and therefore, strength of stiffened panels plays a significant role for the ultimate strength analysis of ship structures.
A simplified analysis method for the ultimate strength of ship's hull girder under cyclic bending was proposed.
Through the analysis of the load-deflection curves of prestressed concrete roof trusses, it is shown that these trusses deflect a considerable amount in the state of ultimate strength.
The simplified analysis methods of ultimate strength are finally discussed and the method of limit equilibrium is recommended.
The simplified analysis methods of ultimate strength are finally discussed and the method of limit equilibrium is recommended.