Ultimate strength design is not required and the reinforcement can be determined only on basis of allowable crack width in design of beam on foundation.
This paper suggests a calculation formula for eccentrically loaded brickwork or column with biaxial bending in terms of ultimate strength design method.
In addition, the plastic ultimate strength of cross section and some proposals concerning the ultimate strength design of long span PPC continuous box girder...
In addition, the plastic ultimate strength of cross section and some proposals concerning the ultimate strength design of long span PPC continuous box girder wi...
This means that the design will usually have only published values of yield strength, ultimate strength, and percentage elongation.
Exceptions include sections with a minimum dimension 1, 0 m or where the stress is not greater than 80% of the design ultimate strength.
Taking the idea of ultimate state design, this thesis studies the ultimate strength performance of this new structure on "Sachsen".
The predicted precision of ultimate strength may be improved by the program, which provides technical support for the design and use of laminated composites.
The predicted precision of ultimate strength may be improved by the program, which provides technical support for the design and use of laminated composites.