In the midst of all this the lamp still cast a smoky glow, obscure and brown as umber.
Results: Maiyanxiao which we prepared was umber and clear, with no sedimentation in it.
The most relative and basic index of service in the library is then umber of books borrowed.
It has been known since the earliest electron microscopic studies of AD that neuronal microtubules are lessened inn umber.
The sidewalks were full of dogshit in brilliant colors: ocher, umber, Mars yellow, sienna, viridian, ivory black, rose madder.
In an umber of studies of identical and fraternal twins, researchers have examined the role genetics plays in happiness and unhappiness.
"I've looked at this picture very often but I'd never really noticed this shadow before," he suddenly said, pointing to a patch of burnt umber near the elbow.
"I've looked at this picture very often but I'd never really noticed this shadow before," he suddenly said, pointing to a patch of burnt umber near the elbow.