He lauded the work of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.
On June 20, the Yugoslav military completed its withdrawal, and just two weeks later the UN High Commissioner for Refugees estimated that more than 765, 000 refugees had already returned to Kosovo.
6月20日,南斯拉夫军队完成了全部撤离。 据联合国难民署高级专员估计,仅仅两周后,就已经有76.5万名难民返回了科索沃。
On June 20, the Yugoslav military completed its withdrawal, and just two weeks later the UN High Commissioner for Refugees estimated that more than 765, 000 refugees had already returned to Kosovo.
6月20日,南斯拉夫军队完成了全部撤离。 据联合国难民署高级专员估计,仅仅两周后,就已经有76.5万名难民返回了科索沃。