Unfortunately, so often, we are unable to judge which matters most deserve our gratitude or praise.
A short period of time, we may also be unable to judge the sound Holdings share repurchase days the true thinking.
Thee two children went on arguing endlessly. Confucius was unable to judge who was right. The two children laughed at him: "Who said you are learned and erudite?""
两个小孩,争论不孔子无法判断谁是谁两个小孩嘲笑他说:“谁说你博学多知呢!” ”
They are sometimes unable to recognize false information on the Internet, judge the reliability of online information sources, or tell real news stories from fake ones.
Wrote Chief Judge Alex Kozinski: "The Winklevosses are not the first parties bested by a competitor who then seek to gain through litigation what they were unable to achieve in the marketplace."
"They should search together for the bluebird they were unable to find before," the judge ruled.
"They should search together for the bluebird they were unable to find before," the judge ruled.