Robots continue to have an impact on blue-collar jobs, and white-collar jobs are under attack by microprocessors.
Government should attach great importance to cyber security which is constantly under attack and is of great importance to national security.
The role of the state as a prime mover in planning social change has been under attack.
Cyprus, likewise, suffers from these attacks, and so far west as Italy and Sicily are under attack.
Robots continue to have an impact on blue collar jobs, and white collar jobs are under attack by microprocessors.
Michigan's dominance in auto research and development is under attack from several states and countries which desire to replace our leadership in transportation.
But the indices, although they have their attractions, are already under attack from traditionalists.
Through its success, the company has positioned itself at the center of the media universe — at the nexus of technology and content — and is now finding it a place increasingly under attack.
Records at the site suggest the site came under attack by another Maya center, Calakmul, in 599 and again in 611.
Nearly a decade after the 9/11 attacks, his last remaining safe havens in the Hindu Kush are under attack, and U.S. soldiers patrol the streets of Kandahar and Baghdad.
In enforcing PCI compliance - ensure that due diligence is ensured through tracking of failed login attempts and identifying what is the normal amount and what constitutes a system under attack.
The volume of searches the site received tripped safety mechanisms and made the search engine think it was under attack from a spambot.
Almost every time he makes a fresh decision he comes under attack from the left or the right.
You'll need to do it without accusations, without resentment, without making the other person feel he's under attack.
Chloroform in particular came under attack in the 20th century, and was shown to be carcinogenic by ingestion in laboratory mice and rats.
Once the system or service has been made unavailable, legitimate clients are blocked from using the network service hosted by the system under attack (See Figure 2).
Akamai recorded more than 20,000 ports under attack, the top 10 being.
One of the top hotels in the Afghan capital Kabul, the Intercontinental, has come under attack. At least 10 people have been killed.
In the clothing industry, companies like Nike and Gap came under attack for use of child Labour.
Italy and Spain are under attack not because their finances have suddenly deteriorated, but because investors fret that they may be forced to default.
If you assume your site will never come under attack, or face any problems of any sort, then when something eventually does go wrong, you will be in massive amounts of trouble.
For-profit colleges, which range from beauty schools to institutions that resemble traditional universities, were already under attack.
In the opening scene of 2009's star Trek movie reboot, the Federation starship USS Kelvin is under attack by the Romulans.
That move has since come under attack as the sort of "market fundamentalist" project that caused the bubble.
He has promised to help Iran's longstanding regional ally, Syria, if it comes under attack.
The company has been under attack by shortsellers and the stock has been suspended from trading for the past week.
The company has been under attack by shortsellers and the stock has been suspended from trading for the past week.