In this tutorial, we'll cover almost every aspect of the NIO library, from the high-level conceptual stuff to under-the-hood programming detail.
Steam billowed out from under the hood.
We absolutely need it to be there, but as any Top Gear fan can tell you - power under the hood doesn't always equal a powerful experience.
What's going on here is a side effect of how this event works under the hood.
This is no big deal if you just want your data to work, but it's huge if you're a data geek with a lot of time spent learning your database and how it really works under the hood.
The sample application familiarizes you with various concepts, such as how a request is processed under the hood and how to handle form submissions.
So before I write the article I set out to write (that'll come in a future column), let's take a look under the hood of the JVM.
所以,在我着手撰写这样一篇文章(将在未来的专栏中发表)之前,我们先来看看 JVM 幕后的东西。
If you know the make and model of every automobile that zips by and have an interest in what’s under the hood, consider becoming an automotive service technician or mechanic.
There he warned voters to "look under the hood" of Mr Brown's truck and mocked him for opposing the new levy on big Banks.
The complexity under the hood is rising while your controls are simplifying to the computing equivalent of a key, a steering wheel, and a few pedals.
Each assertion creates a constraint object under the hood which evaluates the expected value against the actual value.
In either case, you're only going to be dealing with the public interface methods, so don't worry about what goes on under the hood.
This revision of the product comes with a lot of architectural changes under the hood to support the features that are aimed at making the product easier to use, configure and deploy.
Under the hood, the stub object implements the same interface as the remote server object.
Under the hood, operations on atomic variables get turned into the hardware primitives that the platform provides for concurrent access, such as compare-and-swap.
This case study takes a look under the hood of these technologies, the development knowledge gained in their use, and lessons learned.
It may come as a surprise to you that while SOAP's window dressing is new, what's present under the hood dates back years, even decades.
Under the hood, we were able to build the foundation of a browser that runs today's complex web applications much better.
Sally and I sat staring through the windshield for several minutes, listening to the engine tick and then go silent under the hood.
True, Apple's products contain lots of features under the hood, but the company has a knack for concealing such complexity using elegant design.
It's known for a clean simple interface and sometimes forgotten about power under the hood.
Traditionally, orchestration engines have been black boxes that interact extensively with the rest of your system but don't provide any way to access what's under the hood.
The effective address is, under the hood, always split into a pair of 32-bit registers; the high-order register is optional and if it's not specified, it is treated as zero.
You're no longer breaking encapsulation because you aren't making assertions about how the unit works under the hood.
What matters to me is that I tap the screen and the desired results are delivered to me, without me having any reason-or time-to reflect on what's happening under the hood.
You'll have a chance to try out the main index page, and then take a peek under the hood to see how some of the components work.
Of course we also streamlined a lot of code under the hood to make data fetching much faster in general.
The major difference in the user interface is the addition of guided searches in the left sidebar, though Microsoft says that the real changes are under the hood.
So, if you're inexperienced with making "under the hood" modifications to your Linux system, you'll definitely want to do this on a non-critical Linux box, at least for your first time.
因此,如果您在对Linux系统内部更改方面没有经验的话,毫无疑问您应该在一个无关紧要的 Linux 机器上这样做,至少第一次应该这样。
So, if you're inexperienced with making "under the hood" modifications to your Linux system, you'll definitely want to do this on a non-critical Linux box, at least for your first time.
因此,如果您在对Linux系统内部更改方面没有经验的话,毫无疑问您应该在一个无关紧要的 Linux 机器上这样做,至少第一次应该这样。