To keep poachers from slipping in under cover of darkness, patrols continue long after sunset and begin again before dawn.
Israeli soldiers crossed the border under cover of darkness Saturday night and fanned out across areas of the northern Gaza Strip.
Before God and the message is not heard too much, only under cover of darkness, a little reluctant efforts to piece together the clouds tear.
Yet, in one night, under cover of darkness, Washington evacuated his men across the river to Manhattan, undetected and without a single casualty.
Yet history would come to Fort Monroe not amid the thunder of guns and the clash of fleets, but stealthily, under cover of darkness, in a stolen boat.
On 16 and 17 September 1976, masked men raided their homes under cover of darkness, taking them away to clandestine detention centres in what became known as the "Night of the Pencils".
He brought these "individual souls", at weekends or under cover of darkness, to the space he had cleared with his bare hands in the jungle, and laid them out in patterns in the landscape.
Below the now frenetic promenade, boats laden with opium would unload their deadly cargo under cover of darkness, while in the nearby jungles and mountains, warlords fought bloody battles.
Sadie had laughed to hear about the Dean of Foreign Languages scurrying under the cover of darkness out of the young teachers' building.
The prisoners had to wait about a week for a moonless night so that they could leave under the cover of complete darkness.
Pioneering camera technology has allowed photographer Martin Dohrn to film animal life on the African plain at night, under cover of complete darkness.
Under cover of the darkness he followed out of the room, followed down the stairs, followed down the court, followed out into the streets.
Under cover of the darkness he followed out of the room, followed down the stairs, followed down the court, followed out into the streets.