The space programme will continue under the aegis of the armed forces.
She went to Sheffield University as a lecturer, under the aegis of Boris Ford.
Electronic journal for linguistics, published under the aegis of Universidad DE Murcia since March 2001.
So a lot of students in Princeton take courses in engineering school under the aegis of the Keller Center.
And by next July, the private-equity property funds will come under the aegis of the SESC, lightening the FSA's load.
Islet cell transplantation now forms the basis of a prospective multicenter trial under the aegis of the Immune Tolerance Network.
Figures like Martin Luther and John Calvin recognized marriage as a civil matter, a worldly affair, and not under the aegis of the church.
Now sampling and monitoring have resumed, under the aegis of the International Atomic Energy Agency (which has a sideline in environmental monitoring).
Twice an omnibus bill passed the House of Representatives under the aegis of its managers, Congressmen from western States in which agricultural interests were dominant.
NATO Secretary-General Andres Foch Rasmussen explained Friday that some operations will remain under the aegis of the Western coalition, as debate continues to expand NATO's role.
Run by Paul Davies, an astrobiologist at Arizona State University, the SETI Post-Detection Taskgroup operates under the aegis of the International Academy of Astronautics, according to MSNBC.
这个组织由亚利桑那州立大学的天体生物学家,保罗戴维斯运作。据MSNBC称,SETI Post-DetectionTaskgroup (检测搜寻地外文明的任务小组)是在国际航空学院的主持下运行的。
Now, it seems, it is the turn of football to come under the state's aegis.
So she wrote from her own warm and love childhood experience, from her own harmonious life, to look for a soul aegis for the world, under the flag of love and beauty.
So she wrote from her own warm and love childhood experience, from her own harmonious life, to look for a soul aegis for the world, under the flag of love and beauty.