Under the circumstances that you stare mysteriously and keeping silent.
Under the circumstances that do not have the aid of group theory, we give three direct ways to calculate the rotation matrix.
For reasons that I will discuss shortly, those actions were necessary and justified under the circumstances that prevailed at that time.
Under the circumstances that the basic amplifier is approximately a one-way active network, the "simplifying" conditions of four basic types of feedback amplifiers are derived.
Under the circumstances that the reliability requirements and samples are same, examples illustrate new algorithm needs less test period and cost compared with traditional algorithm.
Under the circumstances that there are multi noise sources, we can get the effective method of how to judge main the noice source by deriving the formula of acoustic pressure evel decibel.
Under the circumstances that the society is being in the transition period and administration management mode is being improved, the study of the third sector becomes a focus and forward subject.
Team refers to a group made up of a few people under the circumstances that the the common goal, the same leader lead, trusting each other, through the effective communication working as one man.
Under the circumstances, all that people can do, if they get sufficient warning, is to run for their lives.
Under these circumstances, it was vital to see that no part of the world suffered disproportionately.
Lucy Donaldson, of the University of Bristol, said: "we have known for some time that the way we perceive different tastes can change under different circumstances."
Maybe you don't" But if you force that kind of view, the need to perpetuate life under those circumstances upon her, that doesn't look like love.
Autism is something that is misunderstood under the best of circumstances, let alone a war zone.
I'm also not saying that the fine people who hire me under these circumstances get any less of my enthusiasm.
This is particularly advantageous if, under ordinary circumstances, the company cannot afford redundant servers, data centers, and other infrastructure that is required for 99.999 percent uptime.
如果在一般环境下,企业不能负担冗余服务器,数据中心,以及其他百分之 99.999运行时间所需的基础设施,这点非常有用。
The majority of the group (who are all members of the public) supported their use under specific circumstances, a perspective that was not warmly reported in newspapers such as the Telegraph.
Pin down the most important events in red - those deadlines and meetings that you cannot miss under any circumstances.
On this particular route, the first bolt is located high enough that he would not have decked under normal circumstances.
“Not only does that *bolster faith in the American Dream, it also helps us believe that, under the right circumstances, we could be just as good as our heroes, ” explained Rodriguez.
However those who are in favor of life-extending measures argue that life under any circumstances is better than death and that the duty of doctors is always to extend life as long as possible.
"Under the severe circumstances, I feel I've done everything that I had to do," he said.
And the best thing about this one is that you can try it under virtually all circumstances, quickly, and with no additional outside-of-yourself resources needed!
Finally this passage tells us that under the right circumstances at least Aristotle suggests the Greeks could exercise a kind of universal rule if they chose.
Although the ships sank under different circumstances, the vessels had key similarities that allowed Torgler and colleagues to compare who made it off the boats.
Even Darwin, he says, believed that subspecies could, under the right circumstances, become a unique species someday.
He said, boot camp isn't designed to find the toughest people; it's to teach people that under the worst circumstances everyone will break.
He said, boot camp isn't designed to find the toughest people; it's to teach people that under the worst circumstances everyone will break.