It is no coincidence that a large number of violent crimes are committed under the influence of alcohol.
"It seems she was deceived and taken somewhere, maybe under the influence of a sleeping pill," said Iizuke.
Don't get a tattoo if you're under the influence of alcohol or drugs or worry that you might regret the tattoo later.
I could almost believe this terrible waste of time was done under the influence of a hogshead or two of the cheap stuff.
This doesn't stop them from taking flight, and under the influence of a hell of a fear, when they are told that truth is like having a child.
Just a month after that he was cited for trespassing and being under the influence of a controlled substance after passing out in a neighbor's (empty at the time) home.
She lost control soon after and will always be remembered for beating up a minivan with an umbrella, shaving her head and getting multiple tattoos under the influence of alcohol.
You're going to get a parabola under the influence of gravity and it comes down here again.
Mice with altered digestive bacteria showed less apprehension and were less afraid to go into the well-lit box, a common sign the animals are under the influence of drugs or illness.
Below is a story of a provincial boy who fell under the bad influence of the Russian capital.
Under the increasing influence of Saudi Arabia, Qatar has become a major player in a wider power battle with Iran.
But since they've never even experienced a 4 (except perhaps under the influence of illegal substances), they have no way of knowing what it's like.
Adisaffected boy with low self-esteem, a dysfunctional family, poor role modelsand, he feels, no hope and no future. He easily comes under the influence of triads.
That may be a reason why the worm's behavior cannot be computed from the wiring diagram: the pattern of connections is changing all the time under the influence of the worm's 250 neuropeptides.
The device is seen as a way to stop people who have been convicted of driving under the influence from offending again.
The Freudian slip is something that one lives with simply as a phenomenon of the slippage of consciousness under the influence of the unconscious.
You may be frightened of rejection or you may be under the influence of perfectionism; both motivations can cause you to not even try and reach out for fear of failing or being seen as a failure.
That was a bad decision as under the influence of famous celebrities and models his life changed completely…
Under those special circumstances couples may use high-tech interventions to influence the chance of conceiving a girl. For example.
Back in 2007, after being arrested for driving under the influence, author and reality star NicoleRichie spent a mere 82 minutes of her four-day sentence in jail.
That such a shift in influence away from the rich countries is under way was clear from the outcome of the G20 summit in Pittsburgh on September 25th.
This was a group formed back in 1864 under the influence of Frederick James Furnivall.
这是个在FrederickJames Furnivall的影响下,成立于1864年的组织。
We grew up under the influence of campus culture gradually grow up, have a beautiful and harmonious campus is a common wish.
I am afraid that a number of us are still under the negative influence of Christendom.
Modern power system is a great unity of the whole system, device and electric equipment are connected are open equipment, under the influence of the surrounding environment.
Modern power system is a great unity of the whole system, device and electric equipment are connected are open equipment, under the influence of the surrounding environment.