Norway's adoption of a nationwide corporate gender quota has led to the underestimation of elite women's role.
For the underestimation of each finger length, from the thumb to the pinky, increased by about 7 percent in each finger.
The main defect of SCTA is overestimation or underestimation of vessel stenosis.
This is due to the enemy's underestimation of China and also to his shortage of troops.
However, American attitudes are a volatile mix. Underestimation of the inequality between c.
The problem was obviously in my overestimation of my navigation skills, and my underestimation of the size of the park!
But for the histologic underestimation and some missed case, needle breast biopsy could not completely replace excisional biopsy.
“If you asked one of these guys ‘What are the chances of you getting caught?’ you would see an underestimation of the risks,” Dr. Geary said.
“If you asked one of these guys ‘What are the chances of you getting caught?’ you would see an underestimation of the risks, ” Dr. Geary said.
Underestimation of the inequality between C.E.O. incomes and the wages of the average production worker wage does not, for example, imply approval.
The underestimation of phase slope was overcome via local frequency estimation. The FEM could easily handle any irregular shape problem domain.
On collision, their internal gas is thrown out of equilibrium and if unrecognised, causes underestimation of its mass by between 5 and 20 percent.
Due to the assumptions we made and the limitations of the available data, these figures are likely an underestimation of the true financial impact.
This underestimation will increase with a larger difference between the cold and hot oil viscosity and is also more relevant to early times (economics).
The authors speculate that the underestimation of harms from medical imaging procedures may be in part because harms occur long after the imaging occurs.
By utilizing the linear underestimation of objective and constraint functions, a linear relaxation method is proposed for finding global solution of SGP.
The result indicates that the underestimation of the rainfall rate during heavy rain and the overestimation during light rain become small by ZDR method.
Analysis indicates that the mainly reason of the discrepancy is the underestimation of the proportion of large vehicle and the scale of traffic flow at night.
The excessive focus on the short-term has resulted in a significant underestimation of low probability but high risks and in the increase of risk-taking behaviour.
The main reason is the Underestimation of various risks, enhance risk awareness and thus prevent the risk of application of ERP systems is particularly important.
If you think leaving the Southern Ocean was a reprieve, forget it. The Tasman Straits will take advantage of any underestimation this one is a gruelling encounter.
The symbol of the maturity of art, does not lie in innovative technologies and astonishing ideas, nor in the familiarity with past and the underestimation of the existing arts.
Underestimation of each finger length, from the thumb to the pinky, increased by about 7 percent in each finger, rendering the little finger quite a bit littler that it really was.
This estimation relied on seismological techniques measuring the first seismic waves recorded, a method that lends itself to underestimation when a quake exceeds a magnitude of 8.5.
Unfortunately it seems there's no such thing as small change: the much-repeated 21 days to form a habit is a considerable underestimation unless your only goal in life is drinking glasses of water.
"If you asked one of these guys' What are the chances of you getting caught? 'you would see an underestimation of the risks," Dr. Geary said. "And the severity of the consequences is underestimated."
The bureaucrats will set up a howl about our “underestimation” of the peasantry, perhaps even about our “hostility” to the peasantry. (Chernov always accused Lenin of being hostile to the peasantry.)
On the part of therapist, lack of empathy, negative countertransference, underestimation of the severity of the patient's problems, and poor technique all have been associated with negative outcome.
I was particularly frustrated with what I believed was his misreading and underestimation of the intensity of the opposition he faced, and his approach of being a gentleman soldier in a guerrilla war.
I was particularly frustrated with what I believed was his misreading and underestimation of the intensity of the opposition he faced, and his approach of being a gentleman soldier in a guerrilla war.