Strengthening Engineering Training Center construction is to meet three needs: First, the need to be a qualified undergraduate college.
Reserchers surveyed 368 undergraduate college students and 439 of their family members to get a picture of the narcissistic traits of the students and of their mothers.
Arum and Roksa placed the blame for students' lack of learning on a watered-down college curriculum and lowered undergraduate work standards.
This is Shaun Harper's study, and he points out that on major college campuses across the country, black males make up less than 3 percent of undergraduate enrollments.
Now that women are the majority of college students and surpass men in both the number of undergraduate and advanced degrees awarded, one might think the college campus is a pretty equal place.
Harvard College does not require an English-proficiency test for undergraduate applicants.
Most undergraduate and postgraduate students majored in Chinese Literature, the college said.
Du, then 21 and an undergraduate at Bridgewater State College in Massachusetts, was shocked.
Full-time undergraduate students borrowed an average $4, 963 in 2010, up 63% from a decade earlier after adjusting for inflation, the College Board reports.
One of the things you learn as a college president is that if an undergraduate is wearing a tie and jacket on Thursday afternoon at three o'clock, there are two possibilities.
Once, it was assumed that an elite-college undergraduate degree was required for admission to a top law or medical program.
While I was in college, part of the beauty and elegance of my undergraduate education was that between my junior and senior years I went on one of our college's seminars.
I misspoke, he's not a Yale college graduate, he's a Yale Economics PhD; his undergraduate was from University of Wisconsin but he's been at Yale a very long time.
About ten years ago when I was an undergraduate in college, I was working as an intern at my University's Museum of Natural History.
This tradition of advanced studies extends into undergraduate programs, with Mansouri and others saying they were taught subjects in college that U.S. schools provide only to grad students.
As of April this year, more than 35,000 undergraduate students are in serious debt because of loans they had to pay for expensive college tuition.
It once experimented with an undergraduate business program, to prepare students for life beyond college, but shut down that program in 1954.
Some women at the University of Vermont, with an undergraduate body that is 55 percent female, sardonically refer to their college town, Burlington, as "Girlington."
佛蒙特大学高达55%的女生比例,更是让该校的女生笑称学校所在的柏林顿应该改名叫“女孩镇”Burlingtonas“Girlington .”。
I spent one year at a college where I did not belong and two years taking classes irrelevant for my major, but I have no regrets about my undergraduate experience.
After the normal school junior college becomes the comprehensive institute, it faces a double-transformation of training to undergraduate course and from single department to the comprehensive.
But the subjective conditions, the influence of the current college undergraduate course of PE teaching theory teaching practice problems.
The college has a post doctoral station in geography, a doctoral degree in geography, and has formed a complete system of undergraduate, master, doctoral and postdoctoral talents training.
Founded in 1754 as King's College, Columbia University is today an international center of scholarship, with a pioneering undergraduate curriculum and renowned graduate and professional programs.
Studying 4 years at a college or university, known as "undergraduate" education, will generally lead to the Bachelor's Degree.
College or undergraduate reading students, travel, English, Sports major is preferred.
From the problems students face during socialization process of college, this article proposes the main way to solve undergraduate socialization problems.
From the problems students face during socialization process of college, this article proposes the main way to solve undergraduate socialization problems.