Reserchers surveyed 368 undergraduate college students and 439 of their family members to get a picture of the narcissistic traits of the students and of their mothers.
Arum and Roksa placed the blame for students' lack of learning on a watered-down college curriculum and lowered undergraduate work standards.
Now that women are the majority of college students and surpass men in both the number of undergraduate and advanced degrees awarded, one might think the college campus is a pretty equal place.
Most undergraduate and postgraduate students majored in Chinese Literature, the college said.
Full-time undergraduate students borrowed an average $4, 963 in 2010, up 63% from a decade earlier after adjusting for inflation, the College Board reports.
This tradition of advanced studies extends into undergraduate programs, with Mansouri and others saying they were taught subjects in college that U.S. schools provide only to grad students.
As of April this year, more than 35,000 undergraduate students are in serious debt because of loans they had to pay for expensive college tuition.
It once experimented with an undergraduate business program, to prepare students for life beyond college, but shut down that program in 1954.
College or undergraduate reading students, travel, English, Sports major is preferred.
From the problems students face during socialization process of college, this article proposes the main way to solve undergraduate socialization problems.
Harvey Mudd is a small, specialized liberal arts college near Los Angeles, with an undergraduate body of about 800 students specializing in science, medical studies and engineering.
The school sets certificate, specialized subject, undergraduate class, masters and PhD degree, but also provide the students college preparatory course and language courses.
Certificate in Drama is available to those students who do not hold an undergraduate degree from an accredited college, but who are admitted and complete the same training as M. F. A. students.
Major Decision is important not only for college students, but also for undergraduate education of a university.
Undergraduate students are becoming the main part of internet life, and College Campus the most concentrated areas of the users of Internet.
Therefore, the researchers posit, at an average college with 18,000 undergraduate students, some 1,080 undergraduates will seriously contemplate taking their lives at least once within a single year.
The college has an enrollment of more than 2170 undergraduate students, 520 doctor and master students and it also trains international students.
Overseas students in Year 1 of graduate Entry Medicine are charged college fees at the undergraduate rate.
The college lays emphasis on teaching and research, and places the training of undergraduate and graduate students as important as the status of place.
The College of business Administration provides a high quality, leading edge educational experience to undergraduate and graduate students and to the broader professional business community.
Objective: To describe the situation of professional attitude, self-esteem and social adaptation of nursing undergraduate and college students in institution of higher education in Jilin Province.
Objective: To describe the situation of professional attitude, self-esteem and social adaptation of nursing undergraduate and college students in institution of higher education in Jilin Province.