Customer may not withdraw the deposited underlying securities without the consent of Company.
Of course, the company is not going to have to make good on all that insurance: the underlying securities are not all going to zero.
Customer may apply in advance to use any number of shares of the underlying securities that are not assigned for such delivery to exercise long put positions.
Under the round of bull market, all of the put warrants are out of money and impossible to exercise. Therefore, they cause no effects on underlying securities.
The volatility spillover effect between representative warrants in China warrants market and the underlying securities is examined using cross-spectral analysis.
If a securities firm is short of underlying securities to meet its obligations to redeliver securities, it may seek refinancing from a securities finance enterprise.
Market prices were thus the best available estimate of the underlying value of securities and should not be second-guessed by regulators.
A derivative is a financial instrument whose value depends on the price of an underlying instrument, such as currencies, commodities or securities.
Then, the people who were buying these securities weren't really checking very carefully to see whether the underlying mortgage could support the loans that were made.
Essentially, those who buy equities receive securities with an underlying fixed return - just like those who buy bonds.
Therefore, the performance of the securities underlying the ETF as measured by its NAV may outperform or under-perform the index.
Depending on its particular strategy, an ETF may not hold all the constituent securities of an underlying index in the same weightings as the constituent securities of the index.
You wish to receive the corporate communication for securities of which you are the non-registered underlying owner and are held in the CCASS Depositary.
Asset-Backed Securities: the actual yield received may vary according to the rate at which the underlying receivable or other financial assets are prepaid.
Asset-Backed Securities: the actual yield received may vary according to the rate at which the underlying receivable or other financial assets are prepaid.