Normally, when building UIs in one technology and services in another, you must write or find a framework that serializes the classes to some format both technologies understand.
One way or another, the wealth in Iceland comes from the fish, and if you want to understand what Icelanders did with their money you had better understand how they came into it in the first place.
Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn develop communications technique called TCP, allowing multiple networks to understand one another, creating a true Internet.
But show me a pretty graph where all the Numbers are laid out in a simple design to show their relationship to one another, and I understand instantly.
It's one thing to quantify your branded searchers, it is another to know and understand them.
Much of the information above specifies character code set conversions so that the client and server can understand one another.
One technique to understand priorities is to look at how pain points and root causes are emphasized at the different levels in the organization, and how well they reinforce one another.
This makes it exceedingly difficult to tell neighbors apart from one another, and then understand how they are connected to each other.
There are many, many different ways to meditate. Here I'll mention some basic categories of meditation techniques so you can understand some of the main options and how they differ from one another.
You understand how listeners, filters, and servlets coordinate with one another.
"I think you can understand why we can't have one policy for white Europeans and another for Filipinos and Mexicans," he said.
Another one that is filled with women, I really don't understand it, but women like to ride horses, take care of horses, and teach horseback riding.
This is necessary to understand how we differ from chimps and one another and why we inherit diseases.
After reading a book, it is only natural that you don't understand it all. Never mind. Put it aside and start another one.
How she manages to tear around from one social function to another and take care of her family at the same time is more than I can understand.
Traditional linguistics treats metaphor as an instrument of verbal embellishment whereas the modern studies of metaphor deem it as a means to understand and experience one thing through another.
The earthquake as scientists upon my surface understand is due to the movements of the plates of continental shelves over and under one another.
The Language of Light is an ascending thought-form that all species are choosing to embody and communicate with so that all ascending sentient species may understand one another.
It is a cognitive activity that understand and experience one kind of thing in terms of another.
No one will ever understand the perspective of another unless they take that persons hand and consider things how they see it.
Communications technology has joined us together across time, distance, culture, and country faster than we have developed frameworks to understand one another.
Elaborating the importance to understand the body language in another language, comparing Chinese body language with English one, better effect in teaching and studying English is hoped to attain.
Just do not advocate spitting, littering is not easy, to understand the logic of which is one thing to practice is one thing and do another.
You need to understand energy, and how it can exist in one place or another, how it can be transported from here to there, and can be stored for later use.
You need to understand energy, and how it can exist in one place or another, how it can be transported from here to there, and can be stored for later use.