The reader's understanding and perception play a crucial part in literary interpretation.
I like to use web design creation of new space, communicate, understanding and perception.
Ancient Chinese poets had unique understanding and perception of the significance and value of life.
Indeed, changing the point of observation, we also change the scope of our understanding and perception of the surrounding world.
The exhibition's title is "status", not only the most concise summarization of these human bodies, but also the reflection of sculptor's different understanding and perception in different statuses.
Film analysis of the infant's responses, heart and respiration rate monitors, and nonnutritive sucking devices are used as effective tools in understanding infant perception.
They're automatic rules of the same sort we're going to talk about in the context of visual perception in that they're implicit and unconscious and not accessible to explicit understanding.
The way it works is that the perception comes first and then the understanding comes later.
Perception and understanding of the target consumers' behavior is the basis of marketing.
How could I explain to this intense young perfectionist that while his perception of art may have been good, his understanding of life and human reality were not?
Time is essential existence of life and the consciousness of time is expressed in poets' unique perception and understanding of time.
Human perception and understanding of image are subjective.
Aside from the part that technology plays in speeding up our understanding of time, another factor affects our perception of time as we get older, and it's something we can't really change.
Perception is the understanding of stimuli. It is selective, depending on exposure to stimuli and attention paid to them.
People's intelligence consists of five aspects: perception, memory, learning, thinking and understanding.
If taste, standard and idea make up the aesthetic judgement system of subject, then perception, understanding and imagination comprise the aesthetic ability system.
Environment perception is a key technique for mobile robots. It primarily includes two-dimension and three-dimension information processing and understanding.
But although education is for the improvement of the individual, it also serves society by providing a leavening of men of understanding, of perception, and wisdom.
In the identification and understanding of human's visual perception, shape is an important parameter of expressing the information of objects.
You have to treat your experience of the breath, not as an end in itself, but as a tool for understanding the role of perception in creating suffering and stress.
You have to treat your experience of the breath, not as an end in itself, but as a tool for understanding the role of perception in creating suffering and stress.
This paper analyzed the perception and understanding for mathematical study by the psychological procedures of study, and acquired some inspirations for the mathematical study.
The recognition system is implemented as an agent in the multi-perception machine and it is used as part of the video input for understanding the human body languages.
This paper attempts to analyze and compare the different narrative styles between the two works so as to attain different aesthetic perception and better our understanding of the works.
It therefore has expanded the ability and possibility of representation of writing culture, and provided a completely new perception for understanding the inherent characters rooted in oral tradition.
Creative graphic design means the generation of ideas and directions from customer perception of their brand, and their understanding and desire on how their target customers perceive the brand.
In the recent spatial researches, distance perception has been a primary concern for understanding how human beings establishes a memory of location and navigates in an environment.
In the recent spatial researches, distance perception has been a primary concern for understanding how human beings establishes a memory of location and navigates in an environment.