More likely, Middleton, a woman of understated elegance, will opt for something refined.
Sell your product with understated elegance, tasteful design, short copy and text that's easy on the eyes.
John McCleary of Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, New York, who has edited Milnor's collected works, calls Milnor a master of understated elegance.
With this approach, Armani has established a new standard of understated elegance: easy-fit garments for women, precisely cut and beautifully tailored.
They integrated the building into the existing landscape, not only to disguise its bulk and give it an "understated elegance", but to contribute to the area's flood defences.
Some folks like the cutting-edge, unique and understated elegance of our space-saving cylinder subwoofers, others value the more traditional but likewise slick simplicity of our box designs.
Using simple designs and a fresh color palette we've created a line of products for the Office, Home and Home Office that reflect that understated elegance and unpretentious sense of purpose.
Every layout – from the understated elegance of the traditional career descriptions to the buoyant colors of the resumes for creative professionals – features quality design and great usability.
每一个布局 -从传统职业描述的低调优雅到简单的创意专业简历的简历 -具有质量设计和伟大的可用性。
The best of French cuisine ranges from the over the top elegance of Haute cuisine to the understated simplicity of cuisine Nouvelle, with a lot of options in between.
The performance of the Sapphire hybrid power amplifier transcends its understated look of elegance and simplicity.
The performance of the Sapphire hybrid power amplifier transcends its understated look of elegance and simplicity.