To disdain or undervalue; scorn.
Cherish your own emotions and never undervalue them.
Don't undervalue Jim's contribution to the research.
Don't undervalue Jim's contribution to the research.
Under no circumstances can we undervalue the impacts of good parenting.
Don't undervalue the importance of this: it can immediately shift things.
Europe tends to undervalue China's achievement and role in world history.
You may over evaluate the accomplishments of others, and undervalue yours.
We always exaggerate people's quest for G. D. P. and undervalue their quest for ideals.
Some become part of the problem: They use connections to judge grant applicants and undervalue scientific merit.
We tend to undervalue the importance of our listening skills as well as the scope of their potential application.
Ambitious people never limit themselves or undervalue hard work with these words. They tell themselves they can do it.
But it did put the focus on content filtering, a network security technology that observers say has been undervalue d.
Gilkey does not deny the omnipotence of God, nor undervalue personal language about God as a means of prayer and worship.
Magnification (Minimization) : refers to the tendency to exaggerate (undervalue) the importance of a negative (positive) event.
I believe that Milan must take advantage of the experience of past years, which teaches us to pay attention and not undervalue any opponent.
Some of these complaints are well-founded, others are not; but even if all were true, they would misdescribe and undervalue what is going on here.
Five hundred years ago, the humanist author Baldassare Castiglione labeled such studied nonchalance "sprezzatura, " from the verb meaning "to undervalue.
五百年前,人文主义作家巴尔达萨雷·卡斯蒂廖内(Baldassare Castiglione)根据意指“低估”的动词,为这种刻意为之的若无其事,创造了一个名词“云淡风轻”(sprezzatura)。
The great danger is not that we shall overreach our capacities but that we shall undervalue and under-employ them, thus blighting our great possibilities.
This is not to say that you should undervalue your work, but if you can enjoy your career when you're not making money, then it's probably a good match for you.
Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co. survey estimated that around the house, women log more hours cooking and cleaning than men but undervalue their contributions in dollar terms.
A Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co. survey estimated that around the house, women log more hours cooking and cleaning than men but undervalue their contributions in dollar terms.
These include professional structures that reward publication of analysis but not of data, and funding streams and career paths that continue to undervalue critical data management work.
Working mothers want to earn a good salary, put a higher priority on getting some help around the house than at the office, and undervalue their work at home, surveys released on Tuesday showed.
Working mothers want to earn a good salary, put a higher priority on getting some help around the house than at the office, and undervalue their work at home, surveys released on Tuesday showed.
Working mothers want to earn a good salary, put a higher priority on getting some help around the house than at the office, and undervalue their work at home, surveys released on Tuesday showed.