Hebrought along Vincent Pace, an underwater camera specialist who had worked on Titanic and TheAbyss.
We had an underwater camera so we were sticking it in there and getting photos of our feet with the fish.
An underwater camera also showed pictures of orange barrels with the word "toxic" on their side on the seabed off the southwest coast of Italy.
On other platforms also have a ring at the island tour, including five star ferry and exclusive catamaran boats, mini underwater camera products, not including lunch, a single price reached 558 yuan.
Camera manufacturers have really raised the bar in producing durable underwater compacts at affordable prices.
While an assistant stood guard in a small boat, I sank to the bottom with a camera encased in a bubble-shaped underwater housing.
Katija and the biologists she works with record and measure the flow of water around animals using fluorescent dyes and a sophisticated underwater laser-video camera system the team developed.
Underwater mode works differently in different camera models, and generally it appears to be improving.
To explore this underwater world, Thatje and his team of U.S. and Swedish scientists towed an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) that scanned the seafloor with a digital camera.
To explore this underwater world, Thatje and his team of U. S. and Swedish scientists towed an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) that scanned the seafloor with a digital camera.
No matter what you want to use it for, an underwater digital camera is great to have.
However, using the on-camera flash in not advisable underwater, as its position close to the lens will create backscatter.
With several camera upgrades, new underwater housings and a compulsion to get that better shot, photography has become his career and the ocean has become his office.
I didn't take the camera underwater, but I did take it out in the rain a couple of times with no ill effects.
The problem with letting the camera choose the exposure for you is that cameras are not designed to be used underwater.
I know this seems like photography 101 but for some reason all photography common sense gets washed away when the camera gets underwater.
I know this seems like photography 101 but for some reason all photography common sense gets washed away when the camera gets underwater.