There was an undignified scramble for the best seats.
In spite of Mrs. Medlock's warning, Mr. Roach only just escaped being sufficiently undignified to jump backward.
Back at the park, Bianchi's intervention on her son's behalf ended in an undignified exchange of insulting words with the other boy's mother.
There followed an undignified slamming of doors.
His skis crossed and he sat down in a most undignified manner.
He saw the home run as an abasement of the game he loved, a cheap, undignified method of scoring runs.
As undignified as my profession is it still amazes me that God compares himself to a shepherd and his people to sheep.
You can still remember vividly those painful, undignified occasions when you tried to be a hero and drowned instead in a sea of ridicule.
The undignified outburst came at Naudero in Sindh province, the burial site of his wife and her similarly "martyred" father Zulfikar Ali Bhutto.
The guideline aims to prevent what is being called the undignified and unnecessary resuscitation of patients who would not benefit from the procedure.
So the ship was forced to make an undignified squeeze through the lock as she left the Meyer Werft shipyard in Papenberg, Germany, on her maiden voyage today.
Now, in an undignified way I have given up the spirit journey in my heart for the sake of material gains, a journey to explore America and to understand her.
Politicians appear on "the Colbert Report" for the same reason that ordinary people agree to appear on reality shows: it may be undignified, but it gets you on television.
She was making money. But she could not get over the idea that to earn her living was somewhat undignified, and she was incined to remind you that she was a lady by birth.
A man with his zipper down is undignified, and so the famous icon, posed as he is, presents an idealized version of the American worker — his dignity customized, but forever intact.
The Medecins Sans Frontieres aid organisation said it was "very concerned about the thousands of vulnerable people across the continent in danger and stuck in undignified conditions".
The Medecins Sans Frontieres aid organisation said it was "very concerned about the thousands of vulnerable people across the continent in danger and stuck in undignified conditions".