The first thing I thought was how in the world did the crew decide who would help her undress?
She went out, leaving Rachel to undress and take a shower.
Who helpeth them undress at night?
Back home, we undress at bedtime; here, we put on more clothes—including woolly hats and gloves—before going to sleep.
We stagger from our rooms in various states of undress to the sound of fire engines screaming round the corner, guaranteeing we are all wide awake.
Other new products in the program have included a kind of full-body blow dyer and specially designed clothing that allows people with disabilities to dress and undress.
Other new products in the program have included a kind of full-body blow dyer and specially designed clothing that allows people with disabilities to dress and undress themselves.
Other new products in the program have included a kind of full-body blow dryer and specially designed clothing that allows people with disabilities to dress and undress themselves.
With these hands I'll undress you.
Bill Clinton could probably undress a moose.
Instinctively, we assess, undress and best-guess each other.
She went out, leaving Rachel to undress and have her shower.
Both parents were passed out, in various stages of undress, and the stench was overpowering!
For each correct answer you will undress her a little bit more, until she'll wear just her smile!
"Perhaps he is no longer in the coach," he thought, as he rebuttoned the waistcoat of his undress uniform.
Brothers are bodies while women are clothes, he who dares to touch my bodies, I shall undress his clothes!
There are a couple of scenes in the new film in which he will undress, but we're still thinking about how we present it.
Valotta demonstrated this by creating a jigsaw puzzle game on Facebook where users "undress" an onscreen photo of an attractive woman.
One of his staff wrote later that "kids in various states of undress ran amok, Ethel scurried about screaming orders at the top of her lungs.
"Does it please your Majesty now to graciously undress," said the swindlers, "that we may assist your Majesty in putting on the new suit before the large looking-glass?"
"Does it please your Majesty now to graciously undress," said the swindlers, "that we may assist your Majesty in putting on the new suit before the large looking-glass?"