Many of the bodies were unidentifiable except by dental records.
Most of the people killed in the disaster were unidentifiable migrant farm workers.
We crowd into cinemas and clubs, and eat unidentifiable burgers and ready-meals by the megaton 14 .
In the course of the diggings were also found some grape pips belonging to unidentifiable varieties.
We have already found some mammal bones at Mush - as yet unidentifiable - in addition to amazing fossil frogs with soft body parts preserved.
While "unidentifiable" debris is often found, documented cases of AFE frequently detect mucin, vernix, lanugo hairs, and squamous and trophoblastic cells.
Au3Hg structures in island-shaped alloys were identified by comparing the radii of different rings and the positions of spots, with few spots unidentifiable.
Some scientists suspect that the collagen comes from bacteria rather than dinosaurs, but others are investigating collagen as a way to bar-code scraps of unidentifiable bone.
In case the server receives any commands that contain grammar mistakes, such as incomplete commands or unidentifiable commands, it shall terminate the connection with the client.
Until now, crime scene investigators have depended on the availability of specific body parts, such as teeth, bones or ligaments, for estimating the age of otherwise unidentifiable persons.
Until now, crime scene investigators have depended on the availability of specific body parts, such as teeth, bones or ligaments, for estimating the age of otherwise unidentifiable persons.