Unified software development process (USDP) is established based on unified model language (UML).
The essential Unified Process (EssUP) is a collection of practices that together form the essential knowledge of a complete software development lifecycle.
RUP is the IBM Rational Unified Process, and XP is eXtreme Programming -- both are software development processes, although RUP is capable of scaling up to very large projects.
RUP now specified using Unified Method Architecture (UMA) is an industry flagship and standard for a comprehensive, formally specified software development process.
RUP指出对于全面正式的特定软件开发过程来说,使用统一方法体系架构(Unified Method Architecture,UMA)是一种产业旗舰和标准。
The Rational Unified Process defines UCM as "Rational Software's approach to managing change in software system development, from requirements to release.
Rational统一过程将 UCM定义为 "在软件系统开发(从需求到发布)的过程中管理变更的Rational 软件的方法。
Based on best practices adopted by thousands of projects worldwide, the Rational Unified process (RUP) is a software development process that can easily be tailored for specific projects.
RationalUnified Process (RUP)基于全球数千项目所采用的最佳实践,是能够针对具体项目进行方便定制的软件开发流程。
At present, there is no a unified language for describing the modeling process in the monitoring software development, which embarrasses greatly the users in their communications.
The paper introduces the application of RUP (rational unified process) in the software development with developing a logistics management system.
Unified modeling refers to the software modeling technology which documents OOA and OOD with UML while applying RUP to software development process.
RUP, namely rational unified process, is a comprehensive and detailed software development process framework from which customized processes is developed.
RUP, namely rational unified process, is a comprehensive and detailed software development process framework from which customized processes is developed.