With the increasing of unit capacity, higher requirements were proposed to control the circulation boiler drum level.
After revamping, four kinds of mixed crude oil can be processed without changes in unit capacity and product specification.
As the installed capacity and the unit capacity continuously expand, the requirements on a control system become more and more high.
With increase of the unit capacity in the coal-fired power plants the large volume concrete foundation are more and more used in various projects.
There are 15 large bulb tubular turbine-generator units with a unit capacity of 42MW in inner and outer river plants of Changzhou Hydraulic Complex.
When the unit capacity is not well cooperating with the pressure at certain process conditions, product quality decreases or catalyst loss increases.
The increment of unit capacity added the complexity of turbo-generator and the force of electromagnetic load, and various physical phenomenon became more and more complex.
With the single unit capacity of small and medium hydropower growing increasingly and the complex of unit structure, so it put forward a higher demand about unit maintenance.
It is clear, then, that while the JAR is a very practical unit of reuse, it lacks the capacity to distinguish between externals and internals and has no means to isolate the latter.
“Vertical Scalability” – Adding resource within the same logical unit to increase capacity.
垂直扩展“ -在同一个逻辑单位添加资源以增加容量。
This unit of cloud capacity is needed in order to ensure a level playing field as the demand and use of cloud computing becomes commoditized.
To ease the challenge of accurate systems resource allocation and capacity planning, some cloud environments have standardized on a cloud CPU unit equal to the processing power on a 1ghz CPU.
You can have more than one developer connected to a Unit Test server where your code is running; the number of users you can connect depends on the capacity of your server.
运行您的代码的一个Unit Test同时允许多个开发人员连接;可以连接的用户数量取决于您的服务器的容量。
On-site diagnostic capacity continues to be provided by the US Naval Medical Research Unit 3 (NAMRU-3).
The unit of procurement for large installations, however, will almost certainly be the "pod." In that context, adding capacity one server or disk at a time starts to make little sense.
Each unit should include a main switch and ammeter with a scale of about 20 ampere capacity.
The plan vs. actual capacity utilization for each process unit allows the end-user to assess the refineries ability to increase product throughputs.
Subsequently, the slowing in unit Labour costs during the downturn and the easing of these other capacity pressures saw inflation moderate significantly.
But food yield per unit is very not tall still, still have very large increase production latent capacity.
The capacity of peak load unit directly affects peak electricity price level and reliability of power supply during peak load period.
Contractor owns and possesses experience, know how, capacity and resources for carrying out the Unit being installed for the above.
The once-through boiler of large capacity and high parameters is a very complex unit to be controlled.
A metric unit of dry capacity or volume equal to100 liters.
The technological innovation in drying system of pyrolysing gas under the condition of existing ethene unit to increase capacity has bee introduced.
The algorithm is beneficially used to increase loading capacity and freight assembly of loading unit.
This text, through comparison of different solutions, introduces the procedure for a project to determine the solution during selecting transformer capacity and unit quantity.
A unit of volume or capacity in the U. S. Customary System, used in liquid measure, equal to? Gallon or 32 ounces (0.946 liter).
A unit of capacity or volume equal to 16 tablespoons or 8 fluid ounces (237 milliliters).
Image processing technology is used to furnace flame detection in this thesis. The furnace flame detection system can be installed in that unit whose capacity is less than 200mw.
Image processing technology is used to furnace flame detection in this thesis. The furnace flame detection system can be installed in that unit whose capacity is less than 200mw.