With this characterization, the bandwidth, topological bandwidth and the path chromatic number for unit interval graphs are determined.
The signals are amplified so that the time interval between them can be measured with a micro-second time interval measurement unit.
Based on that, a new type structure with the cascaded variable delay interval OFDL unit is brought up.
The topography of the Area, and the shower unit and pump are not the opposite interval, making the view is not contrary to the pump.
Then the solution of the highest and lowest efficiency score of each decision-making unit (DMU) was discussed. So we can gain an interval efficiency score of each DMU and classify the DMUs.
Thee product provides standard vehicle tracking data, including journey start and end, interval reports, speed, direction and distance, plus tamper alerting to indicate if the unit has been removed.
Program reset enables the camera or wireless unit to be programmed to restart during a specified time interval.
For the different kinds of vortex generators, some factors such as the sizes, arrangement mode, interval of disturbing flow unit has different influence rules to the fouling formation.
Under the condition of certain definite blasting parameters, it was found out that interval charging could reduce unit explosive consumption and also kept good broken effects.
The exact value of two-dimensional bandwidth for unit-interval graph is produced.
The function module to generate the interval input the interval signal into interval vector memory unit and output control unit through interval shield control unit.
The function module to generate the interval input the interval signal into interval vector memory unit and output control unit through interval shield control unit.