This is the amount of oxygen the body can utilize per unit weight per unit time .
That is the stuff that goes through my curve, in unit time,for a small portion of curve.
Sedimentary speed: unit time parts deposition on the surface of the metal thickness.
The dynamic helix refers to one or more formative propertis changing helix in a unit time.
The thickness formula of forming cake layer per unit time of rotary tangential flow is derived.
Reaction rate is measured by the change in concentration of a reactant or product per unit time.
Water seepage loss index per unit time is now widely accepted as a quality test and appraisal method.
Physically, see, this guy on the left is the total amount of stuff that goes out of the region per unit time.
Not only does the distance traveled in unit time remain the same but the direction does not change as well.
In the classical ruin model, it is assumed that the insurers premium income is a constant at per unit time.
Is basically the force of these molecules hitting that membrane per unit time, times the number of molecules hitting.
If you were thinking of a velocity field, that would measure how much fluid is passing through the curve in unit time.
Important is the degree of solute purity and the throughput, which is the amount of compound produced per unit time.
The frequency of a sound wave, perceived as pitch, is the number of compressions that pass a fixed point per unit time.
An excellent metric for volatility is gross change per unit time, with the overall assessment being the trend over time for this metric.
Now, if you are worried about the fact that actually if your unit time is too long then of course things might start changing as it flows.
Then, the interrupt of the single chip timer had been used to time precisely, and the Hall pulse number had been counted in unit time.
The problem is to determine the optimal replacement policy ( N , T )? such that the long-run expected cost per unit time is minimized.
利用几何过程,以系统大修次数N和大修时间间隔T为更换策略,选择最优策略( N , T)使系统经长期运行单位时间的期望费用最小。
As a result, Kuhuang Injection can vastly promote bile secretion of anesthetic rat and markedly increase bilirubin content in bile in unit time.
Propose unit time turnover EEOI be used to correct speed influence in order to reflect ship energy efficiency in an objective and overall manner.
Physics The rate at which work is done, expressed as the amount of work per unit time and commonly measured in units such as the watt and horsepower.
A difference in the transportation rate or the number of vehicles per unit time to the same destination over different routes, so as to equalize traffic.
The respiratory rate and catabolism pathway are described respectively by using relative mol number of consumed oxygen during unit time and respiratory quotient.
The eigenvalues of the abnormal recruitment signal include the amplitude of the MUP, duration, recruitment frequency, number of the turns per unit time and so on.
Water vapour transmission rate (WVTR) : Mass of water vapour transmitted through a unit area in a unit time under specified conditions of temperature and humidity.
An implementation method with low computation complexity (number of computation needed per unit time) is given based on multirate digital signal processing theory.
However, for us humans, this information matters, particularly if our productivity — how many of these ones and zeros we can produce per unit time — is taken into account.
Gas Transmission Rate (GTR) : the quantity of a given gas passing through a unit of the parallel surfaces of a plastic film in unit time under the conditions of test.
The measured CO2 values are substituted in a formula to calculate the CO2 flux per unit area and per unit time at different depths under standard atmospheric pressure .
Last algorithms are designed for flow flux statistic, unit time traffic load, vehicle speed and roadway occupancy rate. Traffic flow parameter detection is implemented.