Senior City financiers allied to the wealthy consortium planning a takeover of Manchester United claim Sir Alex Ferguson is supporting the controversial bid.
Despite this, the agencies put together a consortium to come up with a coordinated strategy for Earth observations, the United States Group on Earth observations.
LONDON — The Red Knights' consortium bidding to buy Manchester United from the Glazer family insisted on Thursday that their plans remain on course despite reports of rifts within the group.
Reports also said that if Glazer does not want to sell the whole club, this mysterious consortium is willing to buy a stake in Manchester United.
In 2000, a consortium led by Imperial Oil Ltd. undertook a study into the feasibility of building a gas pipeline from the MacKenzie Delta to markets in southern Canada and the United States.
We are pleased to announce the inaugural conference of the United Arab Emirates Gender and Women's Studies Consortium (The Consortium).
We are pleased to announce the inaugural conference of the United Arab Emirates Gender and Women's Studies Consortium (The Consortium).