A COMIC novel, “Lucky Jim”, published by Kingsley Amis in 1954, portrayed life as a university lecturer as a grubby, tiresome slog, for all that it was shot through with humour.
Pamela Harris, a lecturer at the University of Texas at Austin, has a similar perspective.
Dr James Thompson, senior honorary lecturer in psychology at University College London, said it had always been known that IQ test results are a combination of innate ability and other variables.
She was born Christine Lallouette on 1 January 1956 in Paris. Her father, Robert, a university lecturer, died when she was 17.
"Telephone talk has discrete boundaries at points of opening and closing," says Julia Gillen, a lecturer in digital literacy at Lancaster University.
And the author, a chemical engineer who worked for an insurance company and moonlighted as an anthropology lecturer at Yale University, was an unlikely candidate for international superstardom.
Michael Clapham, a senior lecturer at Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh, said children needed a high degree of physical activity.
Munyaradzi Gwisai, a law lecturer at the University of Zimbabwe, is facing treason charges, carrying the death penalty, after being held and tortured for more than three weeks.
Dr. George Fieldman, a lecturer in psychology at Buckingham Chilterns University College, offers an explanation.
Greg Baxter, a Queensland University lecturer on Australian native animals, said kangaroos rarely invade homes but have done so in the past when panicked.
Vikram Mansharamani is the author of "Boombustology: Spotting Financial Bubbles Before They Burst." He is a lecturer on financial markets at Yale University.
As Kenneth Thomas, a lecturer in finance at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, put it, "There's going to be collateral damage."
Effendi, a senior lecturer in anthropology at Andalas University in Padang, the regional capital of West Sumatra, hails from one of Indonesia's many distinct ethnic groups, the Minangkabau.
Entrepreneur and Princeton University guest lecturer Tim Ferriss has written a book about this, The 4-hour Workweek, that will hit bookstores in April.
企业家、美国普林斯顿大学客座讲师Tim Ferriss写了一本这方面的书——《每周工作4小时》,该书将在四月一日面市。
Three of their five children went into the family business, including Robert, a psychologist and lecturer at Portland State University.
Tarhouni earned a doctorate in economics from Michigan State University, settled in Seattle, and had four children, becoming a senior lecturer at UW's Foster School of Business.
塔胡尼在密歇根州立大学(MichiganState University)获得了经济学博士学位,在西雅图定居,生了四个孩子,还成了华盛顿大学福斯特商学院(FosterSchoolof Business)的高级讲师。
An Yashi, a college lecturer at Sinchuan University who is developing the tea, explains, "Pandas have a very poor digestive system and only absorb about 30 percent of everything they eat."
Jennifer S. Taub is a Lecturer and Coordinator of the Business Law Program at the Isenberg School of Management, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
詹妮弗。s .托布是马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校伊森·伯格管理学院商法项目的讲师兼协调员。
My translator, a lecturer at a local university, had merely asked the tycoon, for whom she had once translated, for restaurant recommendations.
THE university was cross because it was paying a lecturer who had not taught a single class all year.
Tarak Barkawi is a Senior Lecturer at the Centre of International Studies, University of Cambridge.
This is called a "temporal contiguity" error, according to Paul Morris, a psychology lecturer at England's University of Portsmouth. He says it occurs in about 29% of fake injuries.
Mikkel Andersen is a lecturer in the Department of Physics at the University of Otago in New Zealand.
That's the wrong thing to be doing, " said Dr Allan Pacey, a senior lecturer in andrology at Sheffield University.
那就错了,”谢菲尔德大学的男科高级讲师Allan Pacey博士说。
Jarrod Trevathan, a technology lecturer and researcher at James Cook University, agrees.
詹姆斯·库克大学技术讲师兼研究员杰罗德•崔瓦森(Jarrod Trevathan)也同意这个观点。
The legend of El Dorado endures because "you want it to be true," says Jose Oliver, a lecturer at the Institute of Archaeology at University College London.
The legend of El Dorado endures because "you want it to be true," says Jose Oliver, a lecturer at the Institute of Archaeology at University College London.